Janne Tienari
Professor, Strategy Work at Aalto University School of Business
- Aalto University School of Business
- Hanken School of Economics
Aalto University School of Business
Teaching, research, executive education, and writing for popular audiences is what I do. My areas of interest are strategy work, gender and diversity, media and branding, and management and the future. I love to supervise students who work on their master’s theses. I’m also the Director of the Aalto BIZ Doctoral Program.
My current research supports my teaching in that I’m involved in projects that study organizations and management in-depth. Over the years, my research has focused on the fields of financial services, media, and management consulting, to name a few examples. For some years now, my colleagues and I have studied the making of Aalto University. I’m also engaged in a project that looks into the practices of executive search.
In executive education, my favorite task is to facilitate strategy projects, that is the thesis work of people completing their (E)MBAs. The topics vary, but all focus on challenges related to strategic management.
One of my passions is to look around the corner in management. I want to learn more about the new generations entering working life, with their new expectations and ideas. Together with Rebecca Piekkari, professor at Aalto BIZ, we published a book on management and the future – titled “Z ja epäjohtaminen” – in May 2011.
"My Little Book of Strategy" was out in July 2014. Together with Pekka Mattila, CEO of Aalto EE, and Jaakko Veijola, a wizard of visual imagery at WÖRKS, we published this book under the pseudonym Jack E. Earner. It was all about rethinking strategy... and a continuation of the Z-book, focusing specifically on new challenges and solutions related to strategy work.
"Palvelukseen halutaan ajokoira: johtajan ulkonäkö ja esiintyminen" was out in Janury 2016 with Siltala as publisher. I wrote this book on management, appearances and bodily managerial performances together with Susan Meriläinen, professor at the University of Lapland. This popular book focusing on the implications of medialization generated a lot of public commentary and discusson in Finland.
Peer-reviewed scientific articles
Journal article-refereed, Original researchRethinking Ethnocentrism in International Business Research
Michailova, Snejina; Piekkari, Rebecca; Storgaard, Marianne; Tienari, Janne2017 in Global Strategy Journal (John Wiley and Sons Inc.)ISSN: 2042-5805Executive search as ethnosociality A cross-cultural comparison
Holgersson, Charlotte; Tienari, Janne; Meriläinen, Susan; Bendl, Regine2016 in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CROSS CULTURAL MANAGEMENT (SAGE Publications Ltd)ISSN: 1470-5958Roles and identity work in “at-home” ethnography
Järventie-Thesleff, Rita; Logemann, Minna; Piekkari, Rebecca; Tienari, Janne2016 in Journal of Organizational Ethnography (EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING)ISSN: 2046-6749Roles as Mediators in Identity Work
Järventie-Thesleff, Rita; Tienari, Janne2016 in ORGANIZATION STUDIES (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD)ISSN: 0170-8406Ethos at stake Performance management and academic work in universities
Kallio, Kirsi-Mari; Kallio, Tomi J.; Tienari, Janne; Hyvönen, Timo2016 in HUMAN RELATIONS (SAGE Publications Ltd)ISSN: 0018-7267Mastery, submission, and subversion On the performative construction of strategist identity
Laine, Pikka-Maaria; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2016 in ORGANIZATION (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD)ISSN: 1350-5084The university branding game: players, interests, politics
Aula, Hanna-Mari; Tienari, Janne; Wæraas, Arild2015 in INTERNATIONAL STUDIES OF MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION (M.E. Sharpe, Inc.)ISSN: 0020-8825Headhunters and the "ideal" executive body
Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne; Valtonen, Anu2015 in ORGANIZATION (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD)ISSN: 1350-5084Feministinen johtamisen ja organisaatioiden tutkimus globaalissa taloudessa
Tienari, Janne2015 in Sukupuolentutkimus-Genusforskning (Sukupuolentutkimuksen seura)ISSN: 2342-0634Hidden contexts and invisible power relations: a Foucauldian reading of diversity research
Ahonen, Pasi; Tienari, Janne; Meriläinen, Susan; Pullen, Alison2014 in HUMAN RELATIONS (SAGE Publications Ltd)ISSN: 0018-7267Struggles in organizational attempts to adopt new branding logics: the case of a marketizing university
Aspara, Jaakko; Aula, Hanna-Mari; Tienari, Janne; Tikkanen, Henrikki2014 in CONSUMPTION MARKETS AND CULTURE (Routledge)ISSN: 1025-3866Organizational death
Bell, Emma; Tienari, Janne; Hansson, Magnus2014 in CULTURE AND ORGANIZATION (Routledge)ISSN: 1475-9551What's happening to international business?: University structural changes and identification with a discipline
Michailova, Snejina; Tienari, Janne2014 in CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)ISSN: 1742-2043Balancing acts: Managing employees and reputation in social media
Rokka, Joonas; Karlsson, Katariina; Tienari, Janne2014 in JOURNAL OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT (Taylor and Francis Ltd.)ISSN: 0267-257XMen in context: privilege and reflexivity in academia
Styhre, Alexander; Tienari, Janne2014 in EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)ISSN: 2040-7149Transplanting tenure and the (re)construction of academic freedoms
Herbert, Anne; Tienari, Janne2013 in STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION (Routledge)ISSN: 0307-5079Self-reflexivity scrutinized: (pro-)feminist men learning that gender matters
Styhre, Alexander; Tienari, Janne2013 in EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)ISSN: 2040-7149And then there are none: on the exclusion of women in processes of executive search
Tienari, Janne; Meriläinen, Susan; Holgersson, Charlotte; Bendl, Regine2013 in GENDER IN MANAGEMENT: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)ISSN: 1754-2413Academia as financial markets?Metaphoric reflections and possible responses
Tienari, Janne2012 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221Becoming "world-class"?Reputation-building in a university merger
Aula, Hanna-Mari; Tienari, Janne2011 in CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)ISSN: 1742-2043On the narrative construction of multinational corporations: an antenarrative analysis of legitimation and resistance in a cross-border merger
Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne2011 in ORGANIZATION SCIENCE (INFORMS Inst.for Operations Res.and the Management Sciences)ISSN: 1047-7039The changing face of academic publishing: On the past, present and future of the Scandinavian Journal of Management
Lundin, Rolf A.; Jönsson, Sten; Kreiner, Kristian; Tienari, Janne2010 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221Becoming an international man: Top manager masculinities in the making of a multinational corporation
Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero; Meriläinen, Susan2010 in EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)ISSN: 2040-7149On the relative nature of adequate measures.Media representations of the EU energy and climate package
Uusi-Rauva, C.; Tienari, J.2010 in GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS (Elsevier Limited)ISSN: 0959-3780United in Diversity?Disciplinary Normalization in an EU Project
Ahonen, P.; Tienari, J.2009 in ORGANIZATION (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD)ISSN: 1350-5084Diversity Management Versus Gender Equality: The Finnish Case
Meriläinen, S.; Tienari, J.; Katila, S.; Benchop, Y.2009 in CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DE L ADMINISTRATION (Dalhousie University Press, Ltd.)ISSN: 0825-0383The boardroom gender paradox
Pesonen, S.; Tienari, J.; Vanhala, S.2009 in GENDER IN MANAGEMENT: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)ISSN: 1754-2413Let's talk about "us": A reflexive account of a cross-cultural research collaboration
Thomas, R.; Tienari, J.; Davies, A.; Meriläinen, S.2009 in JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT INQUIRY (SAGE Publications Inc.)ISSN: 1056-4926Gender, Management and Market Discourse: The Case of Gender Quotas in the Swedish and Finnish Media
Tienari, J.; Holgersson, C.; Meriläinen, S.; Höök, P.2009 in GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION (Wiley-Blackwell)ISSN: 0968-6673Ulkomaisen omistuksen ja kansallisen turvallisuuden välinen muuttuva suhde: esimerkkinä Suomi
Huhtinen, Aki-Mauri; Tainio, Risto; Tienari, Janne2008 in KOSMOPOLIS (Wiley-Blackwell)ISSN: 1236-1372Hegemonic Academic Practices:Experiences of Publishing fromthe Periphery
Meriläinen, S.; Tienari, J.; Thomas, R.; Davies, A.2008 in ORGANIZATION (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD)ISSN: 1350-5084Rankings, Indexes and the Crux of the Scandinavian Journal of Management
Tienari, J.2008 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221A Discursive Perspective on Legitimation Strategies in Multinational Corporations
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.2008 in ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW (ACAD MANAGEMENT)ISSN: 0363-7425Dynamics and Tensions in Governance: Evidence from Finnish Cooperatives
Jussila, I.; Saksa, J.; Tienari, J.2007 in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CO-OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT (ACAD MANAGEMENT)ISSN: 1741-4814Johtaminen tutkimuksen ja koulutuksen kohteena: ulkoisen ja sisäisen kritiikin välisistä eroista
Räsänen, K.; Tienari, J.2007 in AIKUISKASVATUS (ACAD MANAGEMENT)ISSN: 0358-6197Between West and East: A Social History of Business Journalism in Cold War Finland
Ainamo, A.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2006 in HUMAN RELATIONS (SAGE Publications Ltd)ISSN: 0018-7267Penetrating the academic publishing machine: a rough guide
Tienari, Janne; Thomas, Robin2006 in LIIKETALOUDELLINEN AIKAKAUSKIRJA (Liiketaloustieteellinen Yhdistys Ry)ISSN: 0024-3469After Our Year of Changes
Tienari, J.2006 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221Classics and Bridges to the Future
Tienari, J.; Laurila, J.2006 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221Pulp and Paper Fiction: On the Discursive Legitimation of Global Industrial Restructuring
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Laurila, J.2006 in ORGANIZATION STUDIES (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD)ISSN: 0170-8406Tuotekehitys liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnissa
Ainamo, Antti; Tienari, Janne; Parviainen, Arno2005 in LIIKETALOUDELLINEN AIKAKAUSKIRJA (Liiketaloustieteellinen Yhdistys Ry)ISSN: 0024-3469The Merger Storm Recognizes No Borders: An Analysis of Media Rhetoric on a Business Manoeuvre
Kuronen, Marja-Liisa; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2005 in ORGANIZATION (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD)ISSN: 1350-5084Dynamic Stability, the Nordic Way
Tienari, J.2005 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221The contested terrain of globalization: Review and conceptual clarifications for management studies
Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2005 in LIIKETALOUDELLINEN AIKAKAUSKIRJA (Liiketaloustieteellinen Yhdistys Ry)ISSN: 0024-3469Gender and National Identity Constructions in the Cross-Border Merger Context
Tienari, J.; Soderberg, A.; Holgersson, C.; Vaara, E.2005 in GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION (Wiley-Blackwell)ISSN: 0968-6673Language and the Circuits of Power in Merging Multinational Corporation
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Piekkari, R.; Säntti, R.2005 in JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES (Wiley-Blackwell)ISSN: 0022-2380Management Consultant Talk: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Normalizing Discourse and Resistance
Meriläinen, S.; Tienari, J.; Robyn, T.; Davies, A.2004 in ORGANIZATION (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD)ISSN: 1350-5084Reflections on the past, present and future of strategic management
Tienari, Janne; Tainio, Risto2004 in LIIKETALOUDELLINEN AIKAKAUSKIRJA (Liiketaloustieteellinen Yhdistys Ry)ISSN: 0024-3469"Naiskiintiöt" mediassa: Ikkuna suomalaiseen työelämän tasa-arvokeskusteluun
Tienari, J.; Meriläinen, S.; Lang, G.2004 in TYÖELÄMÄN TUTKIMUS (Liiketaloustieteellinen Yhdistys Ry)ISSN: 0788-091XSuomalaiset, ruotsalaiset ja yritysjärjestelyt: Miten kulttuurit eletään todeksi ja miten niitä voi yrittää johtaa
Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2004 in LIIKETALOUDELLINEN AIKAKAUSKIRJA (Liiketaloustieteellinen Yhdistys Ry)ISSN: 0024-3469Making Sense of a Transnational Merger: Media Texts and the (Re)construction of Power Relations
Risberg, A.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2003 in CULTURE AND ORGANIZATION (Routledge)ISSN: 1475-9551We Need More Women in Managerial Jobs - Gender Equality and Management in the Nordic Contect: Deconstruction and Critical Perspectives
Tienari, J.; Holgersson, C.; Meriläinen, S.; Soderberg, A-M.; Vaara, E.2003 in Comportamento Organizacional e Gestao (Routledge)Liikkeenjohdollisten oppien ja organisaatiouudistusten maastouttaminen: taikasanana muutos
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Ainamo, A.2003 in LIIKETALOUDELLINEN AIKAKAUSKIRJA (Liiketaloustieteellinen Yhdistys Ry)ISSN: 0024-3469Global Capitalism Meets National Spirit: Discourses in Media Texts on a Cross-Border Acquisition
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Björkman, I.2003 in JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT INQUIRY (SAGE Publications Inc.)ISSN: 1056-4926Best Practice is West Practice?A Sensemaking Perspective on Knowledge Transfer in a Merging Organization
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Björkman, I.2003 in NORDISKE ORGANISASJONSSTUDIER (SAGE Publications Inc.)ISSN: 1501-8237The International Match: Metaphors as Vehicles of Social Identity-building in Cross-border Mergers
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Säntti, R.2003 in HUMAN RELATIONS (SAGE Publications Ltd)ISSN: 0018-7267Ne glider in!Yritysjärjestelyiden metaforisesta rakentumisesta tiedotusvälineissä
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Erkama, N.2003 in LIIKETALOUDELLINEN AIKAKAUSKIRJA (Liiketaloustieteellinen Yhdistys Ry)ISSN: 0024-3469Suomalaisen mallin viimeaikainen menestystarina: Tarkastelussa liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnin rooli
Ainamo, A.; Tienari, J.2002 in LIIKETALOUDELLINEN AIKAKAUSKIRJA (Liiketaloustieteellinen Yhdistys Ry)ISSN: 0024-3469How Issues Become Constructed in the Media: Winners and Losers in the AstraZeneca Merger
Hellgren, B.; Löwstedt, J.; Puttonen, L.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Werr, A.2002 in BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (Wiley-Blackwell)ISSN: 1045-3172Organizational Reforms, 'Ideal Workers' and Gender Orders: A Cross-Societal Comparison
Tienari, J.; Quack, S.; Theobald, H.2002 in ORGANIZATION STUDIES (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD)ISSN: 0170-8406Justification, Legitimization and Naturalization of Mergers and Acquisitions: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Media Texts
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.2002 in ORGANIZATION (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD)ISSN: 1350-5084Kieli on valtaa fuusioissa(kin) Uusia haasteita organisaatioiden kehittämistyöhön
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2001 in AIKUISKASVATUS (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD)ISSN: 0358-6197Päättyykö Meritan viidakkoretki?Kielitieteilijän ja organisaatiotutkijan tulkintaa muutoksen sosiaalisesta rakentumisesta tiedotusvälineissä
Kuronen, Marja-Liisa; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2000 in VIRITTÄJÄ (University of Helsinki)ISSN: 0042-6806Ajatus, jonka aika on tullut.Muutoksen kauppiaat ja liikkeenjohdolliset muodit
Tienari, Janne2000 in AIKUISKASVATUS (University of Helsinki)ISSN: 0358-6197Gender Segregation in the Making of a Merger
Tienari, J.2000 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221"Organisaatiomuutokset" ja sukupuolen mukainen erottelu - ajatuksia alemman keskijohdon naisistumisesta pankeissa
Tienari, Janne2000 in LIIKETALOUDELLINEN AIKAKAUSKIRJA (Liiketaloustieteellinen Yhdistys Ry)ISSN: 0024-3469The First Wave Washed up on Shore
Tienari, Janne1999 in GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION (Wiley-Blackwell)ISSN: 0968-6673The Myth of Flexibility in Organizational Change
Tienari, J.; Tainio, R.1999 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221Merging for the Future; Orchestrated Blending and the Ambiguity of Organizational Culture
Tienari, J.; Tuunainen, V.K.1998 in LIIKETALOUDELLINEN AIKAKAUSKIRJA (Liiketaloustieteellinen Yhdistys Ry)ISSN: 0024-3469Book section, Chapters in research booksAn ethic of care within critical management studies?
Bell, Emma; Meriläinen, Susan; Taylor, Scott; Tienari, Janne2016 ISBN: 978-0-415-50188-0Institutional ethnography: an alternative way to study M&As
Lund, Rebecca; Tienari, Janne2016 ISBN: 978-0-415-70466-3Ethico-politics of diversity and its production
Ahonen, Pasi; Tienari, Janne2015 ISBN: 978-0-415-82126-1"This is just the way it is": executive search and gendered careers
Holgersson, Charlotte; Tienari, Janne2015 ISBN: 978-1-78254-768-6Why is gender not debated in M&A?
Tienari, Janne; Lund, Rebecca; Koveshnikov, Alexei2015 ISBN: 978-1-78560-091-3ISSN: 1479-361XRethinking a multidisciplinary paradigm
Tienari, Janne2015 ISBN: 978-0-415-85868-7Diversity does not travel!
Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne; Lund, Rebecca2014 ISBN: 978-87-630-0251-6"The Most Public Secret": Concealing and silencing ethnocentrism in the MNC
Storgaard, Marianne; Tienari, Janne; Piekkari, Rebecca2014 ISBN: 978-1-78350-953-9ISSN: 1571-5027Masculinities in multinationals
Tienari, Janne; Koveshnikov, Alexei2014 ISBN: 978-0-19-965821-3No gender, please, we're international management scholars!
Tienari, Janne2014 ISBN: 978-1-78195-502-4Power and politics in M&A
Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2012 ISBN: 978-0-19-960146-2The "doing" perspective on gender and diversity
Tienari, Janne; Nentwich, Julia2012 ISBN: 978-230-36131-7Monitieteisyys ja johtamisen uusi ote
Ylitalo, Jari; Tienari, Janne2012 ISBN: 978-952-495-222-4"There is no alternative" - or is there?A critical case study approach for international business research
Ahonen, Pasi; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2011 ISBN: 978-1-84844-184-2Kieli ja valta fuusioituvassa monikansallisessa yrityksessä
Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne; Piekkari, Rebecca; Säntti, Risto2011 ISBN: 978-952-222-265-7Textual analysis
Pälli, P.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2010 ISBN: 9781412956703Critical discourse analysis
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.2010 ISBN: 9781412956703Maanpuolustuskurssit: foorumi strategiakeskustelulle?
Tienari, J.; Mantere, S.; Vaara, E.2009 ISBN: 951-25-1973-6ISSN: 1798-0402On the Symbolic (and Practical) Benefits of English Language in Multinational Corporations
Tienari, Janne2009 ISBN: 952-488-373-3ISSN: 0356-889XLiikkeenjohdon konsultti muutosta tekemässä
Ainamo, Antti; Kykyri, Virpi-Liisa; Puutio, Risto; Tienari, Janne2008 ISBN: 978-951-579-280-8Strategia ajatteluna ja puheena: Kehys strategiselle uudistumiselle
Mantere, S.; Tienari, J.; Välikangas, L.2008 ISBN: 978-951-579-280-8Professionalization of business journalism in Finland
Ainamo, A.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2007 ISBN: 978-87-630-0199-1Kun moninaisuus kohtaa tasa-arvon - miten johdetaan?
Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2007 ISBN: 978-951-033004-3The gospel according to the global market.How journalists frame ownership in the case of Nokia in Finland
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Erkama, N.2007 ISBN: 978-87-630-0199-1M&As as stereotypes: Banal ideas and self-serving explanations
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.2007 ISBN: 9781405122399Crafting an inter-national identity: the Nordea case
Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne; Irrmann, Olivier2007 ISBN: 0-415-39839-8A learning perspective on sociocultural integration in cross-national mergers
Björkman, Ingmar; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2005 ISBN: 0-8047-4661-3Yhteisyyden rakentuminen haastattelussa
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Meriläinen, S.2005 ISBN: 9517681690Beharrung oder Wandel?Zur Bedeutung des emergenten Leitbildwandels für Geschlechterverhältnisse in Organisationen
Quack, Sigrid; Theobald, Hildegard; Tienari, Janne2004 ISBN: 978-3894042349Critical Discourse Analysis as a Methodology for International Business Studies
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.2004 ISBN: 1843760835Trapped in the past or making use of experience: On learning post-merger integration
Björkman, Ingmar; Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne2003 ISBN: 87-630-0115-2Restrukturierung, Geschlecht und gesellschaftlicher Kontext: Der widersprüchliche Zugang von Frauen zu Macht und Einfluss in deutschen und finnischen Banken
Theobald, Hildegard; Quack, Sigrid; Tienari, Janne2003 ISBN: 3-8100-4040-1Organisationswandel, Geschlecht und Macht: Ein Vergleich deutscher und finnischer Banken
Theobald, Hildegard; Quack, Sigrid; Tienari, Janne2003 ISBN: 978-3896912176Travellers in the long hours culture: Increased pressure on individuals in the Nordic organization
Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2003 ISBN: 87-630-0115-2From correspondence to cross-border mergers: the internationalization of Finnish commercial banks after World War II
Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2003 ISBN: 951-628-394-2An uneasy coupling: Reflections on women and management in a merging organization
Tienari, Janne; Holgersson, Charlotte; Søderberg, Anne-Marie; Vaara, Eero2003 ISBN: 87-630-0115-2The 'Balance of Power' principle: Nationality, politics and the distribution of organizational positions
Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne2003 ISBN: 87-630-0115-2Best Practice is West Practice?A Sensemaking Perspective on Knowledge Transfer
Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne; Björkman, Ingmar2003 ISBN: 87-630-0115-2Nation talk: Reconstructing national stereotypes in a merging multinational
Vaara, Eero; Risberg, Annette; Søderberg, Anne-Marie; Tienari, Janne2003 ISBN: 87-630-0115-2On the Innovative Nature of Organizational Change
Tienari, Janne1995 ISBN: 91-972493-2-7Conference proceedingsChanges in higher education in Finland: Professionalization and standardization of writing practice
Katila, Saija; Lund, Rebecca; Rinkinen, Jenny; Laamanen, Mikko; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2013 Rethinking "role" in client-consultant interaction
Järventie-Thesleff, Rita; Tienari, Janne2012 Executive search consultants reproducing white male dominance in management
Bendl, Regine; Holgersson, Charlotte; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2011 Gender in international business journals: a review and a way forward
Koveshnikov, Alexei; Piekkari, Rebecca; Tienari, Janne2011 ISSN: 2078-4430Strategizing as identity performance: a critical analysis of identity construction in talk about organizational strategy
Laine, Pikka-Maaria; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2011 Patterns of gender, age and ethnicity in the era of academic capitalism: the case of Aalto University, Finland
Lund, Rebecca; Herbert, Anne; Tienari, Janne2011 "Where is the new Nokia?"Image and identity in a university merger
Tienari, Janne; Aula, Hanna-Mari; Vaara, Eero2011 Making Aalto: Reputation-building in a university merger
Aula, Hanna-Mari; Tienari, Janne2010 "Doing" gender in executive search: a cross-cultural comparison
Bendl, Regine; Holgersson, Charlotte; Höök, Pia; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2010 New career systems and the (re)construction of "academic freedom" in a Finnish university
Herbert, Anne; Tienari, Janne2010 Talking about bodies in business
Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne; Valtonen, Anu2010 Self-reflexivity in organization and management studies: the case of (pro-)feminist men
Styhre, Alexander; Tienari, Janne2010 Diversity and power in organizations: a context-sensitive approach
Tienari, Janne; Meriläinen, Susan; Ahonen, Pasi2010 Introduction making inclusion work in academia
Tienari, Janne; Meriläinen, Susan; Katila, Saija2010 Branding a business school in a university merger: Aalto University School of Economics
Tienari, Janne; Aula, Hanna-Mari; Vaara, Eero2010 Global-local discursive practices of higher education reform: Analyzing 'knowledge-talk' in a university merger
Uusitalo, Ulla-Maija; Tienari, Janne2010 Making Aalto: Dynamics of Reputation in a University Merger
Aula, H-M.; Tienari, J.2009 Headhunters, Competence and the Body: A Cross-Cultural Study of Executive Search Consultants’ Talk on Differences That Matter
Meriläinen, S.; Holgersson, C.; Tienari, J.; Höök, P.2009 On the Limits of Reflexivity: The Case of (Pro-)Feminist White Men
Styhre, A.; Tienari, J.2009 Critical Discourse Analysis in the Study of M&As
Tienari, J.2009 Merging Academic Institutions in the Periphery: From a Motley Crew to a World-Class Innovation University?
Tienari, J.; Teerikangas, S.; Koskinen, I.2009 The EU Energy and Climate Package in the Media in January 2008.A Look at Intertextuality And Who Gets to Say How Things Stand
Uusi-Rauva, C.; Tienari, J.2009 Translations of diversity management discourse: a comparison of Dutch and Finnish corporate websites
Benschop, Yvonne; Heres, Leonie; Katila, Saija; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2008 Security Threat and the Transformation of National Business Systems: Finland and Israel Compared
Frenkel, M.; Huhtinen, A.; Tainio, R.; Tienari, J.2008 Framing Voikkaa: A Media Discourse Perspective on a Corporate Shutdown
Ahonen, P.; Erkama, N.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2007 On the Discursive Construction of Industrial Shutdowns: A Discursive Perspective on the Voikkaa Case.
Ahonen, P.; Erkama, N.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2007 Gender and International Business: Establishing a Research Agenda
Ibeh, K.; Metcalfe, B.; Piekkari, R.; Tienari, J.; Welch, C.2007 Does Diversity Management Clash With Gender Equality?Some Finnish Experiences
Meriläinen, S.; Katila, S.; Tienari, J.2007 National Security, Transnational Communities and Business System Change
Tainio, R.; Huhtinen, A.; Tienari, J.2007 Becoming an International Man: Top Manager Identities in a Multinational Corporation
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Meriläinen, S.2007 Canned diversity: trans-cultural cooperation in an EU project
Ahonen, Pasi; Tienari, Janne2006 Action!What We Can Do to Make the Academic World a More Inclusive Place
Katila, S.; Meriläinen, S.; Tienari, J.2006 Doing Cross-Cultural Research on Gender and Management
Metcalfe, B.; Piekkari, R.; Tienari, J.2006 Foreign Ownership and National Security: The Case of Finland
Tainio, R.; Huhtinen, A-M.; Tienari, J.2006 Becoming an International Man: Top Manager Identities in Merging Across Borders
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Meriläinen, S.2006 (Ultra)short Statement on Feminism and CMS
Tienari, Janne2006 Westernization Behind the Iron Curtain: The Expansion of Management Consulting in Estonia, 1960-2000
Ainamo, A.; Leimann, J.; Tienari, J.2005 Dynamics and Tensions in Governance: Evidence from Finnish Cooperatives
Jussila, Iiro; Saksa, Juha-Matti; Tienari, Janne2005 Cross-Cultural Issues in the Reflexive Study of Identities
Thomas, R.; Tienari, J.; Meriläinen, S.; Davies, A.2005 Swedish and Finnish Leadership Compared: Representations of Gender in the Media
Tienari, J.; Holgersson, C.; Meriläinen, S.; Höök, P.2005 Gender Relations and Market Discourse: The Case of Gender Quotas in the Swedish and Finnish Media
Tienari, Janne; Holgersson, Charlotte; Meriläinen, Susan; Höök, Pia2005 Multinational Corporations as Sites of Discursive Struggles: A Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective on Organizational Sensemaking
Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne2005 In Praise of 'Un-Common' Sense: Methodological (Epistemological, and Ontological) Considerations in Cross-Cultural Discursive Approaches to Organizational Analysis
Davies, A.; Meriläinen, S.; Thomas, R.; Tienari, J.2004 The Balance of Power Principle in International Mergers
Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne2004 Embeddedness, Emergence, and Legitimization: A Historical Case Study of Business Journalism in Finland
Ainamo, Antti; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2003 Agents of Homogenization: On the Roles of Management Consultants in Mergers
Hellgren, Bo; Löwstedt, Jan; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero; Werr, Andreas2003 The 'Balance of Power' Principle - Nationality, Politics and the Distribution of Organizational Positions in a Merging Multinational
Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne2003 A Learning Perspective on Socio-Cultural Integration in a Multi-Organizational Cross-National Merger
Björkman, Ingmar; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2002 Don't Hurry, Be Happy!Gendered Identities and Management Consultants: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
Davies, A.; Meriläinen, S.; Robyn, T.; Tienari, J.2002 Reassessing the Relationship between Organizational Rhetorics and Practice: The Case of Justifying Discourse in Foreign Expansion
Laurila, J.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2002 Between Rhetorics and Practice: The Case of Justifying Foreign Expansion
Laurila, Juha; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2002 Yes, but...: Struggles in the Discursive Accomplishment of Gender (In)equality
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Söderberg, A-M.2002 Big boys come up with small stories: Nordic executives excusing for gender inequality
Tienari, J.; Söderberg, A-M.; Holgersson, C.; Vaara, E.2002 Yes, but...: Struggles in the Discursive Accomplishment of Gender (In)equality
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Söderberg, A-M.2002 Narrating Gender in a Cross-Border Merger Context: Nordic Executives Excusing For Inequality
Tienari, Janne; Søderberg, Anne-Marie; Holgersson, Charlotte; Vaara, Eero2002 Big Boys Come up with Small Stories: Nordic Executives Excusing for Gender Equality
Tienari, J.; Söderberg, A-M.; Holgersson, C.; Vaara, E.2002 The Role of National Narratives in Contemporary Multinational Corporations
Vaara, E.; Risberg, A.; Söderberg, A-M.; Tienari, J.2002 How issues become constructed in the media
Hellgren, B.; Löwstedt, J.; Puttonen, L.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Werr, A.2001 The Merger Storm Recognises No Borders - An Analysis of Media Rhetoric On a Business Manoeuvre
Kuronen, M-L.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2001 Talk in and around the Consultancy Pyramid: Gendered Discourses in (Re)constructing the Professional Self
Meriläinen, S.; Tienari, J.2001 The metanarrative of 'change' and the contestable (re)construction of management ideas
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 The narrative construction of mergers and acquisitions in the media
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Lauri, M.2001 Does your Swedish cut the mustard?The power of corporate language in a Nordic post-merger integration
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Marschan-Piekkari, R.; Säntti, R.2001 Global capitalism meets national spiri
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Sauri, M.; Björkman, I.2001 The Rise and Fall of a Local Version of Management Consulting
Ainamo, A.; Tienari, J.2000 Little brother taking over?Or big brother striking back?Or what?Media texts and sensemaking of Swedish-Finnish/Finnish-Swedish mergers
Risberg, A.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Rationalistic and nationalistic translations
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Risberg, A.2000 Language as power in post-merger integration
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Marschan-Piekkari, R.; Säntti, R.2000 Managerial 'Mommy Tracks': Feminization of Middle Management in German and Finnish Banking
Tienari, Janne; Quack, Sigrid; Theobald, Hildegard1999 Social Construction of Mergers and Acquisitions
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.1999 Gender Segregation in the Flexibly Rigid Bureaucracy
Tienari, Janne1997 Three Dynamics in the Making of a Bank Merger
Tienari, Janne1997 Governance Structures in Finnish Corporations
Tainio, R.; Tienari, J.1995 The harder they come, the harder they fall, management as creator of paradox in the banking firm in transition
Tienari, J.; Tainio, R.1995 From Funtional Bureaucracy to Divisionalized Profit-Centre Model in the Finnish Banking Firm; an Innovation?
Tienari, J.; Tainio, R.1995 Organizational Change - A Low-level Management Interpretation Perspective
Tienari, Janne1993 Non-refereed scientific articles
Unrefereed journal articlesGuest editors' introduction: Strategies of building and managing higher education brands
Drori, Gili S.; Tienari, Janne; Wæraas, Arild2015 in INTERNATIONAL STUDIES OF MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION (M.E. Sharpe, Inc.)ISSN: 0020-8825Editorial: Gendering change: The next step
Benschop, Yvonne; Helms Mills, Jean; Mills, Albert; Tienari, Janne2012 in GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION (Wiley-Blackwell)ISSN: 0968-6673Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice
Tienari, Janne2012 in ORGANIZATION (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD)ISSN: 1350-5084Editorial: Critical scholars in the machinery of publishing: Experiences, reflections, alternatives
Tienari, Janne2012 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221Editorial: Observing globalized capitalism: Gender and ethnicity as an entry point
Calás, Marta B.; Smircich, Linda; Tienari, Janne; Funck Ellehave, Camilla2010 in GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION (Wiley-Blackwell)ISSN: 0968-6673Special Topic Forum on "Faddishness in Academic Work", editorial
Tienari, J.2009 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221Special Topic Forum on ‘Management Education: Research and Practice’
Tienari, J.; Laurila, J.2007 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221Managing the media
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Kuronen, M-L.2006 in European Business Forum (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 1469-6460Björn Wahlroos, suomalainen johtaminen ja sotilasdiskurssi
Tienari, Janne; Huhtinen, Aki-Mauri; Vaara, Eero; Syrjänen, Minna2004 in HALLINNON TUTKIMUS (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0359-6680Editorial: Understanding the Organizational Implications of Industrial Restructuring
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Hammrkvist, K-O.2003 in NORDISKE ORGANISASJONSSTUDIER (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 1501-8237Talouden diskurssien uusintamisen jäljillä - Eli miten yritysjärjestelyä käsitellään suomalaisessa lehdistössä
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Kaihua, K.1999 in HALLINNON TUTKIMUS (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0359-6680Book sectionEmployees, social media and corporate reputation: what can financial service providers learn from other sectors?
Rokka, Joonas; Karlsson, Katariina; Tienari, Janne2012 ISBN: 978-952-60-4655-6ISSN: 1799-4810Taivaallista komediaa?Strategia ja huumori
Mantere, Saku; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero; Välikangas, Liisa2011 ISBN: 978-951-0-37817-5Discourses of competence and gender on corporate boards
Pesonen, Sinikka; Tienari, Janne; Vanhala, Sinikka2011 ISBN: 978-952-232-155-8ISSN: 0357-5764Kilauta konsultille!Strategiatyön ulkopuoliset neuvonantajat
Tienari, Janne; Mantere, Saku2011 ISBN: 978-951-0-37817-5Unrefereed conference proceedingsDiskurssien tutkiminen, kansalliset vertailut ja mahdolliset kulttuuriset tulkinnat
Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2003 Scientific books (monographs)
BookZ ja epäjohtaminen
Tienari, Janne; Piekkari, Rebecca2011 ISBN: 978-952-14-1623-1Johtaminen ja organisointi globaalissa taloudessa
Tienari, Janne; Meriläinen, Susan2009 ISBN: 978-951-0-35364-6Siltoja kuilun yli : globaali talous ja uusi suomalainen johtaminen
Tienari, Janne2008 ISBN: 978-952-67049-0-6Book (editor)Gender work and organization, Special issue: Gender & change: the next step
Benschop, Yvonne; Helms Mills, Jean; Mills, Albert; Tienari, Janne2012 ISSN: 0968-6673Gender work and organization, Special issue: Gender & ethnicity
Calás, Marta B.; Smircich, Linda; Tienari, Janne; Funck Ellehave, Camilla2010 ISSN: 0968-6673Making inclusion work : experiences from academia around the world
Katila, Saija; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2010 ISBN: 978-1-84844-084-5Publications intended for professional communities
Article in professional journalY-sukupolvi vaatii perusasioita kuntoon
Tienari, Janne; Piekkari, Rebecca2010 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Uhkaako ulkomaalaisomistus Suomen kansallista turvallisuutta?
Huhtinen, A.; Tainio, R.; Tienari, J.2008 in Sotilasaikakauslehti (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0038-1675Fuusioiden toteuttajille on annettava aikaa
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Tainio, R.; Ainamo, A.2003 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Konsultoinnin laatua voi arvioida
Ainamo, A.; Tienari, J.1998 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Meritalaisen kulttuurin kivijalan muuraajat
Tienari, Janne1996 in UutisMerita (Edward Elgar Publishing)Jämställdhetsledare - tasa-arvon edistäjä pankissa vai ruotsalainen tapa byrokratisoida ongelmat
Tienari, Janne1995 in Pankkitoimihenkilö (Edward Elgar Publishing)Islannin pankit toiveikkaina muutosten tuulissa
Tienari, Janne1994 in Osuuspankkilehti (Edward Elgar Publishing)Article in professional hand or guide book or in a professional data system, or text book materialLiikkeenjohdon laadunvarmistuksen työkalu - Certified Management Consultant -sertifiointiohjelma
Tukiainen, Sampo; Lilja, Kari; Mattila, Jukka; Tienari, Janne2011 ISBN: 978-952-92-9125-0Published development or research reportThe metanarrative of 'change' and the contestable (re)construction of management ideas
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 Laatu liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnissa
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 Legacies of superiority and inferiority
Risberg, A.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Pride and Prejudice.Construction of Metaphors in a Merger across National Boundaries
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Rationalistic and nationalistic translations
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Risberg, A.2000 Stuck!?Organizational Reforms and Feminization of Middle Management
Tienari, J.; Quack, S.; Theobald, H.1998 Konsultointi ja liiketoiminta-analyysit, 21C240, syksy 1997
Ainamo, A.; Hänninen, H.; Tienari, J.1997 In the Twilight Zone - Cultural Blending in the Implementation of a Bank Merger
Tienari, Janne1996 On the Trail of Vanishing Power
Tienari, Janne1996 Finnish Banking from within
Tienari, Janne1995 Hunters of Escaping Power
Tienari, Janne1995
Rethinking Ethnocentrism in International Business Research
Executive search as ethnosociality A cross-cultural comparison
Roles and identity work in “at-home” ethnography
Roles as Mediators in Identity Work
Ethos at stake Performance management and academic work in universities
Mastery, submission, and subversion On the performative construction of strategist identity
The university branding game: players, interests, politics
Headhunters and the "ideal" executive body
Feministinen johtamisen ja organisaatioiden tutkimus globaalissa taloudessa
Hidden contexts and invisible power relations: a Foucauldian reading of diversity research
Struggles in organizational attempts to adopt new branding logics: the case of a marketizing university
Organizational death
What's happening to international business?: University structural changes and identification with a discipline
Balancing acts: Managing employees and reputation in social media
Men in context: privilege and reflexivity in academia
Transplanting tenure and the (re)construction of academic freedoms
Self-reflexivity scrutinized: (pro-)feminist men learning that gender matters
And then there are none: on the exclusion of women in processes of executive search
Academia as financial markets?Metaphoric reflections and possible responses
Becoming "world-class"?Reputation-building in a university merger
On the narrative construction of multinational corporations: an antenarrative analysis of legitimation and resistance in a cross-border merger
The changing face of academic publishing: On the past, present and future of the Scandinavian Journal of Management
Becoming an international man: Top manager masculinities in the making of a multinational corporation
On the relative nature of adequate measures.Media representations of the EU energy and climate package
United in Diversity?Disciplinary Normalization in an EU Project
Diversity Management Versus Gender Equality: The Finnish Case
The boardroom gender paradox
Let's talk about "us": A reflexive account of a cross-cultural research collaboration
Gender, Management and Market Discourse: The Case of Gender Quotas in the Swedish and Finnish Media
Ulkomaisen omistuksen ja kansallisen turvallisuuden välinen muuttuva suhde: esimerkkinä Suomi
Hegemonic Academic Practices:Experiences of Publishing fromthe Periphery
Rankings, Indexes and the Crux of the Scandinavian Journal of Management
A Discursive Perspective on Legitimation Strategies in Multinational Corporations
Dynamics and Tensions in Governance: Evidence from Finnish Cooperatives
Johtaminen tutkimuksen ja koulutuksen kohteena: ulkoisen ja sisäisen kritiikin välisistä eroista
Between West and East: A Social History of Business Journalism in Cold War Finland
Penetrating the academic publishing machine: a rough guide
After Our Year of Changes
Classics and Bridges to the Future
Pulp and Paper Fiction: On the Discursive Legitimation of Global Industrial Restructuring
Tuotekehitys liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnissa
The Merger Storm Recognizes No Borders: An Analysis of Media Rhetoric on a Business Manoeuvre
Dynamic Stability, the Nordic Way
The contested terrain of globalization: Review and conceptual clarifications for management studies
Gender and National Identity Constructions in the Cross-Border Merger Context
Language and the Circuits of Power in Merging Multinational Corporation
Management Consultant Talk: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Normalizing Discourse and Resistance
Reflections on the past, present and future of strategic management
"Naiskiintiöt" mediassa: Ikkuna suomalaiseen työelämän tasa-arvokeskusteluun
Suomalaiset, ruotsalaiset ja yritysjärjestelyt: Miten kulttuurit eletään todeksi ja miten niitä voi yrittää johtaa
Making Sense of a Transnational Merger: Media Texts and the (Re)construction of Power Relations
We Need More Women in Managerial Jobs - Gender Equality and Management in the Nordic Contect: Deconstruction and Critical Perspectives
Liikkeenjohdollisten oppien ja organisaatiouudistusten maastouttaminen: taikasanana muutos
Global Capitalism Meets National Spirit: Discourses in Media Texts on a Cross-Border Acquisition
Best Practice is West Practice?A Sensemaking Perspective on Knowledge Transfer in a Merging Organization
The International Match: Metaphors as Vehicles of Social Identity-building in Cross-border Mergers
Ne glider in!Yritysjärjestelyiden metaforisesta rakentumisesta tiedotusvälineissä
Suomalaisen mallin viimeaikainen menestystarina: Tarkastelussa liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnin rooli
How Issues Become Constructed in the Media: Winners and Losers in the AstraZeneca Merger
Organizational Reforms, 'Ideal Workers' and Gender Orders: A Cross-Societal Comparison
Justification, Legitimization and Naturalization of Mergers and Acquisitions: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Media Texts
Kieli on valtaa fuusioissa(kin) Uusia haasteita organisaatioiden kehittämistyöhön
Päättyykö Meritan viidakkoretki?Kielitieteilijän ja organisaatiotutkijan tulkintaa muutoksen sosiaalisesta rakentumisesta tiedotusvälineissä
Ajatus, jonka aika on tullut.Muutoksen kauppiaat ja liikkeenjohdolliset muodit
Gender Segregation in the Making of a Merger
"Organisaatiomuutokset" ja sukupuolen mukainen erottelu - ajatuksia alemman keskijohdon naisistumisesta pankeissa
The First Wave Washed up on Shore
The Myth of Flexibility in Organizational Change
Merging for the Future; Orchestrated Blending and the Ambiguity of Organizational Culture
An ethic of care within critical management studies?
Institutional ethnography: an alternative way to study M&As
Ethico-politics of diversity and its production
"This is just the way it is": executive search and gendered careers
Why is gender not debated in M&A?
Rethinking a multidisciplinary paradigm
Diversity does not travel!
"The Most Public Secret": Concealing and silencing ethnocentrism in the MNC
Masculinities in multinationals
No gender, please, we're international management scholars!
Power and politics in M&A
The "doing" perspective on gender and diversity
Monitieteisyys ja johtamisen uusi ote
"There is no alternative" - or is there?A critical case study approach for international business research
Kieli ja valta fuusioituvassa monikansallisessa yrityksessä
Textual analysis
Critical discourse analysis
Maanpuolustuskurssit: foorumi strategiakeskustelulle?
On the Symbolic (and Practical) Benefits of English Language in Multinational Corporations
Liikkeenjohdon konsultti muutosta tekemässä
Strategia ajatteluna ja puheena: Kehys strategiselle uudistumiselle
Professionalization of business journalism in Finland
Kun moninaisuus kohtaa tasa-arvon - miten johdetaan?
The gospel according to the global market.How journalists frame ownership in the case of Nokia in Finland
M&As as stereotypes: Banal ideas and self-serving explanations
Crafting an inter-national identity: the Nordea case
A learning perspective on sociocultural integration in cross-national mergers
Yhteisyyden rakentuminen haastattelussa
Beharrung oder Wandel?Zur Bedeutung des emergenten Leitbildwandels für Geschlechterverhältnisse in Organisationen
Critical Discourse Analysis as a Methodology for International Business Studies
Trapped in the past or making use of experience: On learning post-merger integration
Restrukturierung, Geschlecht und gesellschaftlicher Kontext: Der widersprüchliche Zugang von Frauen zu Macht und Einfluss in deutschen und finnischen Banken
Organisationswandel, Geschlecht und Macht: Ein Vergleich deutscher und finnischer Banken
Travellers in the long hours culture: Increased pressure on individuals in the Nordic organization
From correspondence to cross-border mergers: the internationalization of Finnish commercial banks after World War II
An uneasy coupling: Reflections on women and management in a merging organization
The 'Balance of Power' principle: Nationality, politics and the distribution of organizational positions
Best Practice is West Practice?A Sensemaking Perspective on Knowledge Transfer
Nation talk: Reconstructing national stereotypes in a merging multinational
On the Innovative Nature of Organizational Change
Conference proceedingsChanges in higher education in Finland: Professionalization and standardization of writing practice
Katila, Saija; Lund, Rebecca; Rinkinen, Jenny; Laamanen, Mikko; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2013 Rethinking "role" in client-consultant interaction
Järventie-Thesleff, Rita; Tienari, Janne2012 Executive search consultants reproducing white male dominance in management
Bendl, Regine; Holgersson, Charlotte; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2011 Gender in international business journals: a review and a way forward
Koveshnikov, Alexei; Piekkari, Rebecca; Tienari, Janne2011 ISSN: 2078-4430Strategizing as identity performance: a critical analysis of identity construction in talk about organizational strategy
Laine, Pikka-Maaria; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2011 Patterns of gender, age and ethnicity in the era of academic capitalism: the case of Aalto University, Finland
Lund, Rebecca; Herbert, Anne; Tienari, Janne2011 "Where is the new Nokia?"Image and identity in a university merger
Tienari, Janne; Aula, Hanna-Mari; Vaara, Eero2011 Making Aalto: Reputation-building in a university merger
Aula, Hanna-Mari; Tienari, Janne2010 "Doing" gender in executive search: a cross-cultural comparison
Bendl, Regine; Holgersson, Charlotte; Höök, Pia; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2010 New career systems and the (re)construction of "academic freedom" in a Finnish university
Herbert, Anne; Tienari, Janne2010 Talking about bodies in business
Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne; Valtonen, Anu2010 Self-reflexivity in organization and management studies: the case of (pro-)feminist men
Styhre, Alexander; Tienari, Janne2010 Diversity and power in organizations: a context-sensitive approach
Tienari, Janne; Meriläinen, Susan; Ahonen, Pasi2010 Introduction making inclusion work in academia
Tienari, Janne; Meriläinen, Susan; Katila, Saija2010 Branding a business school in a university merger: Aalto University School of Economics
Tienari, Janne; Aula, Hanna-Mari; Vaara, Eero2010 Global-local discursive practices of higher education reform: Analyzing 'knowledge-talk' in a university merger
Uusitalo, Ulla-Maija; Tienari, Janne2010 Making Aalto: Dynamics of Reputation in a University Merger
Aula, H-M.; Tienari, J.2009 Headhunters, Competence and the Body: A Cross-Cultural Study of Executive Search Consultants’ Talk on Differences That Matter
Meriläinen, S.; Holgersson, C.; Tienari, J.; Höök, P.2009 On the Limits of Reflexivity: The Case of (Pro-)Feminist White Men
Styhre, A.; Tienari, J.2009 Critical Discourse Analysis in the Study of M&As
Tienari, J.2009 Merging Academic Institutions in the Periphery: From a Motley Crew to a World-Class Innovation University?
Tienari, J.; Teerikangas, S.; Koskinen, I.2009 The EU Energy and Climate Package in the Media in January 2008.A Look at Intertextuality And Who Gets to Say How Things Stand
Uusi-Rauva, C.; Tienari, J.2009 Translations of diversity management discourse: a comparison of Dutch and Finnish corporate websites
Benschop, Yvonne; Heres, Leonie; Katila, Saija; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2008 Security Threat and the Transformation of National Business Systems: Finland and Israel Compared
Frenkel, M.; Huhtinen, A.; Tainio, R.; Tienari, J.2008 Framing Voikkaa: A Media Discourse Perspective on a Corporate Shutdown
Ahonen, P.; Erkama, N.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2007 On the Discursive Construction of Industrial Shutdowns: A Discursive Perspective on the Voikkaa Case.
Ahonen, P.; Erkama, N.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2007 Gender and International Business: Establishing a Research Agenda
Ibeh, K.; Metcalfe, B.; Piekkari, R.; Tienari, J.; Welch, C.2007 Does Diversity Management Clash With Gender Equality?Some Finnish Experiences
Meriläinen, S.; Katila, S.; Tienari, J.2007 National Security, Transnational Communities and Business System Change
Tainio, R.; Huhtinen, A.; Tienari, J.2007 Becoming an International Man: Top Manager Identities in a Multinational Corporation
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Meriläinen, S.2007 Canned diversity: trans-cultural cooperation in an EU project
Ahonen, Pasi; Tienari, Janne2006 Action!What We Can Do to Make the Academic World a More Inclusive Place
Katila, S.; Meriläinen, S.; Tienari, J.2006 Doing Cross-Cultural Research on Gender and Management
Metcalfe, B.; Piekkari, R.; Tienari, J.2006 Foreign Ownership and National Security: The Case of Finland
Tainio, R.; Huhtinen, A-M.; Tienari, J.2006 Becoming an International Man: Top Manager Identities in Merging Across Borders
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Meriläinen, S.2006 (Ultra)short Statement on Feminism and CMS
Tienari, Janne2006 Westernization Behind the Iron Curtain: The Expansion of Management Consulting in Estonia, 1960-2000
Ainamo, A.; Leimann, J.; Tienari, J.2005 Dynamics and Tensions in Governance: Evidence from Finnish Cooperatives
Jussila, Iiro; Saksa, Juha-Matti; Tienari, Janne2005 Cross-Cultural Issues in the Reflexive Study of Identities
Thomas, R.; Tienari, J.; Meriläinen, S.; Davies, A.2005 Swedish and Finnish Leadership Compared: Representations of Gender in the Media
Tienari, J.; Holgersson, C.; Meriläinen, S.; Höök, P.2005 Gender Relations and Market Discourse: The Case of Gender Quotas in the Swedish and Finnish Media
Tienari, Janne; Holgersson, Charlotte; Meriläinen, Susan; Höök, Pia2005 Multinational Corporations as Sites of Discursive Struggles: A Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective on Organizational Sensemaking
Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne2005 In Praise of 'Un-Common' Sense: Methodological (Epistemological, and Ontological) Considerations in Cross-Cultural Discursive Approaches to Organizational Analysis
Davies, A.; Meriläinen, S.; Thomas, R.; Tienari, J.2004 The Balance of Power Principle in International Mergers
Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne2004 Embeddedness, Emergence, and Legitimization: A Historical Case Study of Business Journalism in Finland
Ainamo, Antti; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2003 Agents of Homogenization: On the Roles of Management Consultants in Mergers
Hellgren, Bo; Löwstedt, Jan; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero; Werr, Andreas2003 The 'Balance of Power' Principle - Nationality, Politics and the Distribution of Organizational Positions in a Merging Multinational
Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne2003 A Learning Perspective on Socio-Cultural Integration in a Multi-Organizational Cross-National Merger
Björkman, Ingmar; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2002 Don't Hurry, Be Happy!Gendered Identities and Management Consultants: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
Davies, A.; Meriläinen, S.; Robyn, T.; Tienari, J.2002 Reassessing the Relationship between Organizational Rhetorics and Practice: The Case of Justifying Discourse in Foreign Expansion
Laurila, J.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2002 Between Rhetorics and Practice: The Case of Justifying Foreign Expansion
Laurila, Juha; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2002 Yes, but...: Struggles in the Discursive Accomplishment of Gender (In)equality
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Söderberg, A-M.2002 Big boys come up with small stories: Nordic executives excusing for gender inequality
Tienari, J.; Söderberg, A-M.; Holgersson, C.; Vaara, E.2002 Yes, but...: Struggles in the Discursive Accomplishment of Gender (In)equality
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Söderberg, A-M.2002 Narrating Gender in a Cross-Border Merger Context: Nordic Executives Excusing For Inequality
Tienari, Janne; Søderberg, Anne-Marie; Holgersson, Charlotte; Vaara, Eero2002 Big Boys Come up with Small Stories: Nordic Executives Excusing for Gender Equality
Tienari, J.; Söderberg, A-M.; Holgersson, C.; Vaara, E.2002 The Role of National Narratives in Contemporary Multinational Corporations
Vaara, E.; Risberg, A.; Söderberg, A-M.; Tienari, J.2002 How issues become constructed in the media
Hellgren, B.; Löwstedt, J.; Puttonen, L.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Werr, A.2001 The Merger Storm Recognises No Borders - An Analysis of Media Rhetoric On a Business Manoeuvre
Kuronen, M-L.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2001 Talk in and around the Consultancy Pyramid: Gendered Discourses in (Re)constructing the Professional Self
Meriläinen, S.; Tienari, J.2001 The metanarrative of 'change' and the contestable (re)construction of management ideas
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 The narrative construction of mergers and acquisitions in the media
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Lauri, M.2001 Does your Swedish cut the mustard?The power of corporate language in a Nordic post-merger integration
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Marschan-Piekkari, R.; Säntti, R.2001 Global capitalism meets national spiri
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Sauri, M.; Björkman, I.2001 The Rise and Fall of a Local Version of Management Consulting
Ainamo, A.; Tienari, J.2000 Little brother taking over?Or big brother striking back?Or what?Media texts and sensemaking of Swedish-Finnish/Finnish-Swedish mergers
Risberg, A.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Rationalistic and nationalistic translations
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Risberg, A.2000 Language as power in post-merger integration
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Marschan-Piekkari, R.; Säntti, R.2000 Managerial 'Mommy Tracks': Feminization of Middle Management in German and Finnish Banking
Tienari, Janne; Quack, Sigrid; Theobald, Hildegard1999 Social Construction of Mergers and Acquisitions
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.1999 Gender Segregation in the Flexibly Rigid Bureaucracy
Tienari, Janne1997 Three Dynamics in the Making of a Bank Merger
Tienari, Janne1997 Governance Structures in Finnish Corporations
Tainio, R.; Tienari, J.1995 The harder they come, the harder they fall, management as creator of paradox in the banking firm in transition
Tienari, J.; Tainio, R.1995 From Funtional Bureaucracy to Divisionalized Profit-Centre Model in the Finnish Banking Firm; an Innovation?
Tienari, J.; Tainio, R.1995 Organizational Change - A Low-level Management Interpretation Perspective
Tienari, Janne1993 Non-refereed scientific articles
Unrefereed journal articlesGuest editors' introduction: Strategies of building and managing higher education brands
Drori, Gili S.; Tienari, Janne; Wæraas, Arild2015 in INTERNATIONAL STUDIES OF MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION (M.E. Sharpe, Inc.)ISSN: 0020-8825Editorial: Gendering change: The next step
Benschop, Yvonne; Helms Mills, Jean; Mills, Albert; Tienari, Janne2012 in GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION (Wiley-Blackwell)ISSN: 0968-6673Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice
Tienari, Janne2012 in ORGANIZATION (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD)ISSN: 1350-5084Editorial: Critical scholars in the machinery of publishing: Experiences, reflections, alternatives
Tienari, Janne2012 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221Editorial: Observing globalized capitalism: Gender and ethnicity as an entry point
Calás, Marta B.; Smircich, Linda; Tienari, Janne; Funck Ellehave, Camilla2010 in GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION (Wiley-Blackwell)ISSN: 0968-6673Special Topic Forum on "Faddishness in Academic Work", editorial
Tienari, J.2009 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221Special Topic Forum on ‘Management Education: Research and Practice’
Tienari, J.; Laurila, J.2007 in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0956-5221Managing the media
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Kuronen, M-L.2006 in European Business Forum (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 1469-6460Björn Wahlroos, suomalainen johtaminen ja sotilasdiskurssi
Tienari, Janne; Huhtinen, Aki-Mauri; Vaara, Eero; Syrjänen, Minna2004 in HALLINNON TUTKIMUS (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0359-6680Editorial: Understanding the Organizational Implications of Industrial Restructuring
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Hammrkvist, K-O.2003 in NORDISKE ORGANISASJONSSTUDIER (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 1501-8237Talouden diskurssien uusintamisen jäljillä - Eli miten yritysjärjestelyä käsitellään suomalaisessa lehdistössä
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Kaihua, K.1999 in HALLINNON TUTKIMUS (ELSEVIER SCI LTD)ISSN: 0359-6680Book sectionEmployees, social media and corporate reputation: what can financial service providers learn from other sectors?
Rokka, Joonas; Karlsson, Katariina; Tienari, Janne2012 ISBN: 978-952-60-4655-6ISSN: 1799-4810Taivaallista komediaa?Strategia ja huumori
Mantere, Saku; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero; Välikangas, Liisa2011 ISBN: 978-951-0-37817-5Discourses of competence and gender on corporate boards
Pesonen, Sinikka; Tienari, Janne; Vanhala, Sinikka2011 ISBN: 978-952-232-155-8ISSN: 0357-5764Kilauta konsultille!Strategiatyön ulkopuoliset neuvonantajat
Tienari, Janne; Mantere, Saku2011 ISBN: 978-951-0-37817-5Unrefereed conference proceedingsDiskurssien tutkiminen, kansalliset vertailut ja mahdolliset kulttuuriset tulkinnat
Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2003 Scientific books (monographs)
BookZ ja epäjohtaminen
Tienari, Janne; Piekkari, Rebecca2011 ISBN: 978-952-14-1623-1Johtaminen ja organisointi globaalissa taloudessa
Tienari, Janne; Meriläinen, Susan2009 ISBN: 978-951-0-35364-6Siltoja kuilun yli : globaali talous ja uusi suomalainen johtaminen
Tienari, Janne2008 ISBN: 978-952-67049-0-6Book (editor)Gender work and organization, Special issue: Gender & change: the next step
Benschop, Yvonne; Helms Mills, Jean; Mills, Albert; Tienari, Janne2012 ISSN: 0968-6673Gender work and organization, Special issue: Gender & ethnicity
Calás, Marta B.; Smircich, Linda; Tienari, Janne; Funck Ellehave, Camilla2010 ISSN: 0968-6673Making inclusion work : experiences from academia around the world
Katila, Saija; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2010 ISBN: 978-1-84844-084-5Publications intended for professional communities
Article in professional journalY-sukupolvi vaatii perusasioita kuntoon
Tienari, Janne; Piekkari, Rebecca2010 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Uhkaako ulkomaalaisomistus Suomen kansallista turvallisuutta?
Huhtinen, A.; Tainio, R.; Tienari, J.2008 in Sotilasaikakauslehti (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0038-1675Fuusioiden toteuttajille on annettava aikaa
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Tainio, R.; Ainamo, A.2003 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Konsultoinnin laatua voi arvioida
Ainamo, A.; Tienari, J.1998 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Meritalaisen kulttuurin kivijalan muuraajat
Tienari, Janne1996 in UutisMerita (Edward Elgar Publishing)Jämställdhetsledare - tasa-arvon edistäjä pankissa vai ruotsalainen tapa byrokratisoida ongelmat
Tienari, Janne1995 in Pankkitoimihenkilö (Edward Elgar Publishing)Islannin pankit toiveikkaina muutosten tuulissa
Tienari, Janne1994 in Osuuspankkilehti (Edward Elgar Publishing)Article in professional hand or guide book or in a professional data system, or text book materialLiikkeenjohdon laadunvarmistuksen työkalu - Certified Management Consultant -sertifiointiohjelma
Tukiainen, Sampo; Lilja, Kari; Mattila, Jukka; Tienari, Janne2011 ISBN: 978-952-92-9125-0Published development or research reportThe metanarrative of 'change' and the contestable (re)construction of management ideas
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 Laatu liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnissa
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 Legacies of superiority and inferiority
Risberg, A.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Pride and Prejudice.Construction of Metaphors in a Merger across National Boundaries
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Rationalistic and nationalistic translations
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Risberg, A.2000 Stuck!?Organizational Reforms and Feminization of Middle Management
Tienari, J.; Quack, S.; Theobald, H.1998 Konsultointi ja liiketoiminta-analyysit, 21C240, syksy 1997
Ainamo, A.; Hänninen, H.; Tienari, J.1997 In the Twilight Zone - Cultural Blending in the Implementation of a Bank Merger
Tienari, Janne1996 On the Trail of Vanishing Power
Tienari, Janne1996 Finnish Banking from within
Tienari, Janne1995 Hunters of Escaping Power
Tienari, Janne1995
Changes in higher education in Finland: Professionalization and standardization of writing practice
Rethinking "role" in client-consultant interaction
Executive search consultants reproducing white male dominance in management
Gender in international business journals: a review and a way forward
Strategizing as identity performance: a critical analysis of identity construction in talk about organizational strategy
Patterns of gender, age and ethnicity in the era of academic capitalism: the case of Aalto University, Finland
"Where is the new Nokia?"Image and identity in a university merger
Making Aalto: Reputation-building in a university merger
"Doing" gender in executive search: a cross-cultural comparison
New career systems and the (re)construction of "academic freedom" in a Finnish university
Talking about bodies in business
Self-reflexivity in organization and management studies: the case of (pro-)feminist men
Diversity and power in organizations: a context-sensitive approach
Introduction making inclusion work in academia
Branding a business school in a university merger: Aalto University School of Economics
Global-local discursive practices of higher education reform: Analyzing 'knowledge-talk' in a university merger
Making Aalto: Dynamics of Reputation in a University Merger
Headhunters, Competence and the Body: A Cross-Cultural Study of Executive Search Consultants’ Talk on Differences That Matter
On the Limits of Reflexivity: The Case of (Pro-)Feminist White Men
Critical Discourse Analysis in the Study of M&As
Merging Academic Institutions in the Periphery: From a Motley Crew to a World-Class Innovation University?
The EU Energy and Climate Package in the Media in January 2008.A Look at Intertextuality And Who Gets to Say How Things Stand
Translations of diversity management discourse: a comparison of Dutch and Finnish corporate websites
Security Threat and the Transformation of National Business Systems: Finland and Israel Compared
Framing Voikkaa: A Media Discourse Perspective on a Corporate Shutdown
On the Discursive Construction of Industrial Shutdowns: A Discursive Perspective on the Voikkaa Case.
Gender and International Business: Establishing a Research Agenda
Does Diversity Management Clash With Gender Equality?Some Finnish Experiences
National Security, Transnational Communities and Business System Change
Becoming an International Man: Top Manager Identities in a Multinational Corporation
Canned diversity: trans-cultural cooperation in an EU project
Action!What We Can Do to Make the Academic World a More Inclusive Place
Doing Cross-Cultural Research on Gender and Management
Foreign Ownership and National Security: The Case of Finland
Becoming an International Man: Top Manager Identities in Merging Across Borders
(Ultra)short Statement on Feminism and CMS
Westernization Behind the Iron Curtain: The Expansion of Management Consulting in Estonia, 1960-2000
Dynamics and Tensions in Governance: Evidence from Finnish Cooperatives
Cross-Cultural Issues in the Reflexive Study of Identities
Swedish and Finnish Leadership Compared: Representations of Gender in the Media
Gender Relations and Market Discourse: The Case of Gender Quotas in the Swedish and Finnish Media
Multinational Corporations as Sites of Discursive Struggles: A Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective on Organizational Sensemaking
In Praise of 'Un-Common' Sense: Methodological (Epistemological, and Ontological) Considerations in Cross-Cultural Discursive Approaches to Organizational Analysis
The Balance of Power Principle in International Mergers
Embeddedness, Emergence, and Legitimization: A Historical Case Study of Business Journalism in Finland
Agents of Homogenization: On the Roles of Management Consultants in Mergers
The 'Balance of Power' Principle - Nationality, Politics and the Distribution of Organizational Positions in a Merging Multinational
A Learning Perspective on Socio-Cultural Integration in a Multi-Organizational Cross-National Merger
Don't Hurry, Be Happy!Gendered Identities and Management Consultants: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
Reassessing the Relationship between Organizational Rhetorics and Practice: The Case of Justifying Discourse in Foreign Expansion
Between Rhetorics and Practice: The Case of Justifying Foreign Expansion
Yes, but...: Struggles in the Discursive Accomplishment of Gender (In)equality
Big boys come up with small stories: Nordic executives excusing for gender inequality
Yes, but...: Struggles in the Discursive Accomplishment of Gender (In)equality
Narrating Gender in a Cross-Border Merger Context: Nordic Executives Excusing For Inequality
Big Boys Come up with Small Stories: Nordic Executives Excusing for Gender Equality
The Role of National Narratives in Contemporary Multinational Corporations
How issues become constructed in the media
The Merger Storm Recognises No Borders - An Analysis of Media Rhetoric On a Business Manoeuvre
Talk in and around the Consultancy Pyramid: Gendered Discourses in (Re)constructing the Professional Self
The metanarrative of 'change' and the contestable (re)construction of management ideas
The narrative construction of mergers and acquisitions in the media
Does your Swedish cut the mustard?The power of corporate language in a Nordic post-merger integration
Global capitalism meets national spiri
The Rise and Fall of a Local Version of Management Consulting
Little brother taking over?Or big brother striking back?Or what?Media texts and sensemaking of Swedish-Finnish/Finnish-Swedish mergers
Rationalistic and nationalistic translations
Language as power in post-merger integration
Managerial 'Mommy Tracks': Feminization of Middle Management in German and Finnish Banking
Social Construction of Mergers and Acquisitions
Gender Segregation in the Flexibly Rigid Bureaucracy
Three Dynamics in the Making of a Bank Merger
Governance Structures in Finnish Corporations
The harder they come, the harder they fall, management as creator of paradox in the banking firm in transition
From Funtional Bureaucracy to Divisionalized Profit-Centre Model in the Finnish Banking Firm; an Innovation?
Organizational Change - A Low-level Management Interpretation Perspective
Guest editors' introduction: Strategies of building and managing higher education brands
Editorial: Gendering change: The next step
Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice
Editorial: Critical scholars in the machinery of publishing: Experiences, reflections, alternatives
Editorial: Observing globalized capitalism: Gender and ethnicity as an entry point
Special Topic Forum on "Faddishness in Academic Work", editorial
Special Topic Forum on ‘Management Education: Research and Practice’
Managing the media
Björn Wahlroos, suomalainen johtaminen ja sotilasdiskurssi
Editorial: Understanding the Organizational Implications of Industrial Restructuring
Talouden diskurssien uusintamisen jäljillä - Eli miten yritysjärjestelyä käsitellään suomalaisessa lehdistössä
Book sectionEmployees, social media and corporate reputation: what can financial service providers learn from other sectors?
Rokka, Joonas; Karlsson, Katariina; Tienari, Janne2012 ISBN: 978-952-60-4655-6ISSN: 1799-4810Taivaallista komediaa?Strategia ja huumori
Mantere, Saku; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero; Välikangas, Liisa2011 ISBN: 978-951-0-37817-5Discourses of competence and gender on corporate boards
Pesonen, Sinikka; Tienari, Janne; Vanhala, Sinikka2011 ISBN: 978-952-232-155-8ISSN: 0357-5764Kilauta konsultille!Strategiatyön ulkopuoliset neuvonantajat
Tienari, Janne; Mantere, Saku2011 ISBN: 978-951-0-37817-5Unrefereed conference proceedingsDiskurssien tutkiminen, kansalliset vertailut ja mahdolliset kulttuuriset tulkinnat
Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2003 Scientific books (monographs)
BookZ ja epäjohtaminen
Tienari, Janne; Piekkari, Rebecca2011 ISBN: 978-952-14-1623-1Johtaminen ja organisointi globaalissa taloudessa
Tienari, Janne; Meriläinen, Susan2009 ISBN: 978-951-0-35364-6Siltoja kuilun yli : globaali talous ja uusi suomalainen johtaminen
Tienari, Janne2008 ISBN: 978-952-67049-0-6Book (editor)Gender work and organization, Special issue: Gender & change: the next step
Benschop, Yvonne; Helms Mills, Jean; Mills, Albert; Tienari, Janne2012 ISSN: 0968-6673Gender work and organization, Special issue: Gender & ethnicity
Calás, Marta B.; Smircich, Linda; Tienari, Janne; Funck Ellehave, Camilla2010 ISSN: 0968-6673Making inclusion work : experiences from academia around the world
Katila, Saija; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2010 ISBN: 978-1-84844-084-5Publications intended for professional communities
Article in professional journalY-sukupolvi vaatii perusasioita kuntoon
Tienari, Janne; Piekkari, Rebecca2010 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Uhkaako ulkomaalaisomistus Suomen kansallista turvallisuutta?
Huhtinen, A.; Tainio, R.; Tienari, J.2008 in Sotilasaikakauslehti (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0038-1675Fuusioiden toteuttajille on annettava aikaa
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Tainio, R.; Ainamo, A.2003 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Konsultoinnin laatua voi arvioida
Ainamo, A.; Tienari, J.1998 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Meritalaisen kulttuurin kivijalan muuraajat
Tienari, Janne1996 in UutisMerita (Edward Elgar Publishing)Jämställdhetsledare - tasa-arvon edistäjä pankissa vai ruotsalainen tapa byrokratisoida ongelmat
Tienari, Janne1995 in Pankkitoimihenkilö (Edward Elgar Publishing)Islannin pankit toiveikkaina muutosten tuulissa
Tienari, Janne1994 in Osuuspankkilehti (Edward Elgar Publishing)Article in professional hand or guide book or in a professional data system, or text book materialLiikkeenjohdon laadunvarmistuksen työkalu - Certified Management Consultant -sertifiointiohjelma
Tukiainen, Sampo; Lilja, Kari; Mattila, Jukka; Tienari, Janne2011 ISBN: 978-952-92-9125-0Published development or research reportThe metanarrative of 'change' and the contestable (re)construction of management ideas
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 Laatu liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnissa
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 Legacies of superiority and inferiority
Risberg, A.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Pride and Prejudice.Construction of Metaphors in a Merger across National Boundaries
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Rationalistic and nationalistic translations
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Risberg, A.2000 Stuck!?Organizational Reforms and Feminization of Middle Management
Tienari, J.; Quack, S.; Theobald, H.1998 Konsultointi ja liiketoiminta-analyysit, 21C240, syksy 1997
Ainamo, A.; Hänninen, H.; Tienari, J.1997 In the Twilight Zone - Cultural Blending in the Implementation of a Bank Merger
Tienari, Janne1996 On the Trail of Vanishing Power
Tienari, Janne1996 Finnish Banking from within
Tienari, Janne1995 Hunters of Escaping Power
Tienari, Janne1995
Employees, social media and corporate reputation: what can financial service providers learn from other sectors?
Taivaallista komediaa?Strategia ja huumori
Discourses of competence and gender on corporate boards
Kilauta konsultille!Strategiatyön ulkopuoliset neuvonantajat
Diskurssien tutkiminen, kansalliset vertailut ja mahdolliset kulttuuriset tulkinnat
Scientific books (monographs)
BookZ ja epäjohtaminen
Tienari, Janne; Piekkari, Rebecca2011 ISBN: 978-952-14-1623-1Johtaminen ja organisointi globaalissa taloudessa
Tienari, Janne; Meriläinen, Susan2009 ISBN: 978-951-0-35364-6Siltoja kuilun yli : globaali talous ja uusi suomalainen johtaminen
Tienari, Janne2008 ISBN: 978-952-67049-0-6Book (editor)Gender work and organization, Special issue: Gender & change: the next step
Benschop, Yvonne; Helms Mills, Jean; Mills, Albert; Tienari, Janne2012 ISSN: 0968-6673Gender work and organization, Special issue: Gender & ethnicity
Calás, Marta B.; Smircich, Linda; Tienari, Janne; Funck Ellehave, Camilla2010 ISSN: 0968-6673Making inclusion work : experiences from academia around the world
Katila, Saija; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne2010 ISBN: 978-1-84844-084-5Publications intended for professional communities
Article in professional journalY-sukupolvi vaatii perusasioita kuntoon
Tienari, Janne; Piekkari, Rebecca2010 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Uhkaako ulkomaalaisomistus Suomen kansallista turvallisuutta?
Huhtinen, A.; Tainio, R.; Tienari, J.2008 in Sotilasaikakauslehti (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0038-1675Fuusioiden toteuttajille on annettava aikaa
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Tainio, R.; Ainamo, A.2003 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Konsultoinnin laatua voi arvioida
Ainamo, A.; Tienari, J.1998 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Meritalaisen kulttuurin kivijalan muuraajat
Tienari, Janne1996 in UutisMerita (Edward Elgar Publishing)Jämställdhetsledare - tasa-arvon edistäjä pankissa vai ruotsalainen tapa byrokratisoida ongelmat
Tienari, Janne1995 in Pankkitoimihenkilö (Edward Elgar Publishing)Islannin pankit toiveikkaina muutosten tuulissa
Tienari, Janne1994 in Osuuspankkilehti (Edward Elgar Publishing)Article in professional hand or guide book or in a professional data system, or text book materialLiikkeenjohdon laadunvarmistuksen työkalu - Certified Management Consultant -sertifiointiohjelma
Tukiainen, Sampo; Lilja, Kari; Mattila, Jukka; Tienari, Janne2011 ISBN: 978-952-92-9125-0Published development or research reportThe metanarrative of 'change' and the contestable (re)construction of management ideas
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 Laatu liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnissa
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 Legacies of superiority and inferiority
Risberg, A.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Pride and Prejudice.Construction of Metaphors in a Merger across National Boundaries
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Rationalistic and nationalistic translations
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Risberg, A.2000 Stuck!?Organizational Reforms and Feminization of Middle Management
Tienari, J.; Quack, S.; Theobald, H.1998 Konsultointi ja liiketoiminta-analyysit, 21C240, syksy 1997
Ainamo, A.; Hänninen, H.; Tienari, J.1997 In the Twilight Zone - Cultural Blending in the Implementation of a Bank Merger
Tienari, Janne1996 On the Trail of Vanishing Power
Tienari, Janne1996 Finnish Banking from within
Tienari, Janne1995 Hunters of Escaping Power
Tienari, Janne1995
Z ja epäjohtaminen
Johtaminen ja organisointi globaalissa taloudessa
Siltoja kuilun yli : globaali talous ja uusi suomalainen johtaminen
Gender work and organization, Special issue: Gender & change: the next step
Gender work and organization, Special issue: Gender & ethnicity
Making inclusion work : experiences from academia around the world
Publications intended for professional communities
Article in professional journalY-sukupolvi vaatii perusasioita kuntoon
Tienari, Janne; Piekkari, Rebecca2010 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Uhkaako ulkomaalaisomistus Suomen kansallista turvallisuutta?
Huhtinen, A.; Tainio, R.; Tienari, J.2008 in Sotilasaikakauslehti (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0038-1675Fuusioiden toteuttajille on annettava aikaa
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Tainio, R.; Ainamo, A.2003 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Konsultoinnin laatua voi arvioida
Ainamo, A.; Tienari, J.1998 in Talouselämä (Edward Elgar Publishing)ISSN: 0356-5106Meritalaisen kulttuurin kivijalan muuraajat
Tienari, Janne1996 in UutisMerita (Edward Elgar Publishing)Jämställdhetsledare - tasa-arvon edistäjä pankissa vai ruotsalainen tapa byrokratisoida ongelmat
Tienari, Janne1995 in Pankkitoimihenkilö (Edward Elgar Publishing)Islannin pankit toiveikkaina muutosten tuulissa
Tienari, Janne1994 in Osuuspankkilehti (Edward Elgar Publishing)Article in professional hand or guide book or in a professional data system, or text book materialLiikkeenjohdon laadunvarmistuksen työkalu - Certified Management Consultant -sertifiointiohjelma
Tukiainen, Sampo; Lilja, Kari; Mattila, Jukka; Tienari, Janne2011 ISBN: 978-952-92-9125-0Published development or research reportThe metanarrative of 'change' and the contestable (re)construction of management ideas
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 Laatu liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnissa
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 Legacies of superiority and inferiority
Risberg, A.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Pride and Prejudice.Construction of Metaphors in a Merger across National Boundaries
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Rationalistic and nationalistic translations
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Risberg, A.2000 Stuck!?Organizational Reforms and Feminization of Middle Management
Tienari, J.; Quack, S.; Theobald, H.1998 Konsultointi ja liiketoiminta-analyysit, 21C240, syksy 1997
Ainamo, A.; Hänninen, H.; Tienari, J.1997 In the Twilight Zone - Cultural Blending in the Implementation of a Bank Merger
Tienari, Janne1996 On the Trail of Vanishing Power
Tienari, Janne1996 Finnish Banking from within
Tienari, Janne1995 Hunters of Escaping Power
Tienari, Janne1995
Y-sukupolvi vaatii perusasioita kuntoon
Uhkaako ulkomaalaisomistus Suomen kansallista turvallisuutta?
Fuusioiden toteuttajille on annettava aikaa
Konsultoinnin laatua voi arvioida
Meritalaisen kulttuurin kivijalan muuraajat
Jämställdhetsledare - tasa-arvon edistäjä pankissa vai ruotsalainen tapa byrokratisoida ongelmat
Islannin pankit toiveikkaina muutosten tuulissa
Liikkeenjohdon laadunvarmistuksen työkalu - Certified Management Consultant -sertifiointiohjelma
Published development or research reportThe metanarrative of 'change' and the contestable (re)construction of management ideas
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 Laatu liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnissa
Tienari, J.; Ainamo, A.; Vaara, E.2001 Legacies of superiority and inferiority
Risberg, A.; Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Pride and Prejudice.Construction of Metaphors in a Merger across National Boundaries
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.2000 Rationalistic and nationalistic translations
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Risberg, A.2000 Stuck!?Organizational Reforms and Feminization of Middle Management
Tienari, J.; Quack, S.; Theobald, H.1998 Konsultointi ja liiketoiminta-analyysit, 21C240, syksy 1997
Ainamo, A.; Hänninen, H.; Tienari, J.1997 In the Twilight Zone - Cultural Blending in the Implementation of a Bank Merger
Tienari, Janne1996 On the Trail of Vanishing Power
Tienari, Janne1996 Finnish Banking from within
Tienari, Janne1995 Hunters of Escaping Power
Tienari, Janne1995
The metanarrative of 'change' and the contestable (re)construction of management ideas
Laatu liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnissa
Legacies of superiority and inferiority
Pride and Prejudice.Construction of Metaphors in a Merger across National Boundaries
Rationalistic and nationalistic translations
Stuck!?Organizational Reforms and Feminization of Middle Management
Konsultointi ja liiketoiminta-analyysit, 21C240, syksy 1997
In the Twilight Zone - Cultural Blending in the Implementation of a Bank Merger
On the Trail of Vanishing Power
Finnish Banking from within
Hunters of Escaping Power
Janne Tienari: "Gender and diversity: analytical lenses for understanding management and organizing"
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