Hannah Riley Bowles

Senior Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School


  • Harvard Kennedy School




Harvard Kennedy School

Hannah Riley Bowles is a Senior Lecturer and chair of the Management, Leadership, and Decision Sciences Area. She is a leading expert on how gender influences pay negotiations and more broadly on negotiation as a micro-mechanism of inequality. Her current research focuses on women's leadership advancement, examining both situational barriers and individual strategies. Her research appears in academic publications, such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organization Science, Psychological Science, and Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. Her research has been featured in major news media, including ABC News, National Public Radio, New York Times, Slate Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Time, The Boston Globe, and The Washington Post. She teaches “Conflict & Collaboration” in the MPP core curriculum and is the faculty director of Women & Power, the Kennedy School's executive program for women in senior leadership from the public, private and non-profit sectors. She won the Kennedy School's 2003 Manuel Carballo Award for Excellence in Teaching. She has been actively involved in negotiation and conflict management training, practice, and research for over 25 years, including early career opportunities to work for the governments of Argentina, Costa Rica, and Germany. She has a DBA from the Harvard Business School, an MPP from the Kennedy School, and a BA from Smith College.

Selected Publications

  • Bowles, Hannah Riley. "It Depends Who Is Asking and Who You Ask: Social Incentives for Sex Differences in the Propensity to Initiate Negotiation." KSG Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP05-045, July 2005.

Academic Journal/Scholarly Articles

  • Al Dabbagh, May, Hannah Riley Bowles, and Bobbi Thomason. "Status Reinforcement in Emerging Economies: The Psychological Experience of Local Candidates Striving for Global Employment." Organization Science 27.6 (December 2016): 1453-1471.
  • Bowles, Hannah Riley, and Linda Babcock. "How Can Women Escape the Compensation Negotiation Dilemma? Relational Accounts Are One Answer." Psychology of Women Quarterly 37.1 (March 2013): 80-96.
  • Bowles, Hannah Riley. "Claiming Authority: How Women Explain their Ascent to Top Business Leadership Positions." Research in Organizational Behavior 32 (2012): 189–212.
  • Bowles, Hannah Riley, and Michele Gelfand. "Status and the Evaluation of Workplace Deviance." Psychological Science 21.1 (2010): 49-54.
  • Bowles, Hannah Riley, and Linda Babcock. "Are Outside Offers an Answer to the Compensation Negotiation Dilemma for Women?" Academy of Management Proceedings 2009 (2009).
  • Bowles, Hannah Riley. "A Closer Look at the Gender Gap." Negotiation 11 (2008): 8.
  • Bohnet, Iris, and Hannah Riley Bowles, guest editors. "Special Section: Gender and Negotiation." Negotiation Journal 24.4 (October 2008): 389-540.
  • Bowles, Hannah Riley, and Kathleen L. McGinn. "Gender in Job Negotiations: A Two-Level Game." Negotiation Journal 24.4 (October 2008): 393-410.
  • Waisbren, Susan E., Hannah Riley Bowles, Tayaba Hasan, et al. "Gender Differences in Research Grant Applications and Funding Outcomes for Medical School Faculty." Journal of Women's Health 17.2 (March 2008): 207-214.
  • Bowles, Hannah Riley, Linda Babcock, and Lei Lai. "Social Incentives for Gender Differences in the Propensity to Initiate Negotiations: Sometimes It Does Hurt to Ask." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 103.1 (May 2007): 84-103.
  • Patt, Anthony G., Hannah Riley Bowles, and David W. Cash. "Mechanisms for Enhancing the Credibility of an Advisor: Prepayment and Aligned Incentives." Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 19 (2006): 347-359.
  • Bowles, Hannah Riley, Linda Babcock, and Kathleen L. McGinn. "Constraints and Triggers: Situational Mechanics of Gender in Negotiation." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 89.6 (December 2005): 951-965.

Book Chapters

  • Bowles, Hannah Riley, and Kathleen L. McGinn. "Untapped Potential in the Study of Negotiation and Gender Inequality in Organizations." The Academy of Management Annals, Vol. 2. Ed. James P. Walsh and Arthur P. Brief. Routlege, 2008, 99-132.
  • Bowles, Hannah Riley. "What Could a Leader Learn from a Mediator? Dispute Resolution Strategies for Organizational Leadership." Handbook of Dispute Resolution. Ed. Michael L. Moffitt and Robert C. Bordone. Jossey-Bass, 2005, 409-424.
  • Bowles, Hannah Riley, and Kathleen L. McGinn. "Claiming Authority: Negotiating Challenges for Women Leaders." The Psychology of Leadership: New Perspectives and Research. Ed. David M. Messick and Roderick M. Kramer. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005, 191-208.
  • Troast, Jr., John G., Andrew J. Hoffman, Hannah C. Riley, and Max H. Bazerman. "Overcoming Institutional Barriers to Efficient Negotiated Agreements: Institutional Entrepreneurship and the Plum Creek Habitat Conservation Plan." Organizations, Policy, and the Natural Environment: Institutional and Strategic Perspectives. Ed. Andrew J. Hoffman and Marc J. Ventresca. Stanford University Press, 2002, 235-261.

Research Papers/Reports

  • Waisbren, Susan E., Hannah Riley Bowles, Tayaba Hasaan, Kelly H. Zou, et al. "Gender Parity in Research Grants." Working Paper, 2006.
  • Bowles, Hannah Riley, and Michele Gelfand. "Are Jamal, Latoya and Kristen Really More Deviant Than Greg? Status and The Social Construction of Workplace Deviance." Working Paper, 2005.
  • Bowles, Hannah Riley, Linda Babock, and Lei Lai. "What Is There to Lose from Pursuing High Aspirations in Competitive Negotiation?" Working Paper, 2005.

Magazine and Newspaper Articles

Bowles, Hannah Riley. "Lead the Way: Resolving In-House Disputes." Negotiation 10 (April 2007): 7-9.

Courses Taught

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