Elizabeth Trallero

International Marketing Professor



Economist, MBA, speaks fluently seven languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Catalan, German and Portuguese), has 35 years’ experience in management in industrial, high consumption and services companies. She worked for 10 years in Marketing in multinational companies (CLOROX, CINZANO, PERNOD RICARD, SEALY). Currently, CEO of a family owned companies, including Congost Plastic, a Spanish leading company manufacturing and distributing industrial plastic products for maintenance (www.congost.com), already selling in more than 40 countries. Global Marketing and International Business Professor. Board member of MUTUA UNIVERSAL and other established companies and institutions in the country like Centro Español de Plásticos (CEP), Asociación Española de Industriales de Plásticos (ANAIP). Vocal in the Board of Directors of the French Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona. Also, member of the Board of AFAEMME and WOMENALIA, and member of the IWF and EWMD in Spain and WIN internationally. Living in Barcelona, married with three sons with ages 26, 21 and 18 respectively.


  • Global CEO Program IESE Business School - University of Navarra (2012 — 2013)
  • Global CEO Program, Wharton Fellows The Wharton School (2012 — 2015)
  • Counselors-Directors Instituto de Consejeros-Administradores, IC-A (2010 — 2011)
  • Master in Women Studies DUODA Universitat de Barcelona (2005 — 2006)
  • Agente de Igualdad Universitat de Barcelona (2022.01 — 2022.06)
  • Conciliación Laboral y Familiar: Implementación de programas y políticas TEMPORA (2004)
  • Global Alliance for Management Education Conference The University of Dallas (1999)
  • The Synetas Profiler Trainer Certification Workshop Telework Development System International, Inc. (1999)
  • Liderazgo Sostenible de La Mujer European Women Management Development International Network (1998)


  • Miembro Junta Directiva y Comité de Auditoría Mutua Universal (2015)
  • CEO © Señal Confor SL (1997)
  • CEO Congost Plastic, S.A. (1990)
  • CEO SMILING (1989)
  • International Marketing Professor INSA BUSINESS, MARKETING & COMMUNICATION SCHOOL (1985)
  • Cónsul Honoraria Consulado Honorario de Guatemala en Barcelona (2016 — 2021)
  • International Marketing & International Trade Professor ESEC Formació (2000 — 2011)
  • International Business & Marketing Professor La Salle BCN (2003 — 2008)
  • International Marketing Professor EUNCET (1998 — 2008)


The most important

  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Organizational Development


Liderazgo de equipos, Estrategia, Gestión de productos, Creación y desarrollo de empresas, Administración y dirección de empresas, Change Management, Project Management, Negotiation, Cambio organizacional, English, Desarrollo organizacional, Management Consulting, Gestión de proyectos, Marketing Strategy, Consultoría de estrategia y operaciones, Liderazgo, Spanish, Business Strategy, Inglés, Planificación estratégica, Plan de negocio, Dirección de marketing, Español, Estrategia empresarial, Coaching, Negociación, Estrategia de mercadotecnia

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