Doug Stayman

Associate Professor of Marketing at eCornell




Professor Douglas Stayman is an associate professor at the Johnson Graduate School of Management. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of advertising and consumer decision making. He came to Johnson from the University of Texas at Austin. His research has focused on the study of emotional responses to advertising and the role of affect in decision making. His work has involved methodological and measurement issues in studying emotions. He is also interested in theoretical accounts of the effects of emotions on people''s preferences. His research has been supported by grants from the Ogilvy Center for Research and Development, the Marketing Science Institute, and the American Academy of Advertising. He is currently involved in research into the future of professional, most specifically management, education.

Recent Courses

  • NBAY 6320 - Business-Tech Lectures I
  • NBAY 6330 - Business-Tech Lectures II
  • NMI 5000 - Directed Reading and Research
  • NMI 5050 - Management/Leadership Skills Program
  • NCCW 5030 - Marketing
  • NCCT 5030 - Marketing Management

Academic Degrees

  • Ph D University of California at Berkeley, 1985
  • BS University of Pennsylvania -The Wharton School, 1978


Courses Taught

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