Dongning Yang

Associate Professor Management Science and Information System at Guanghua School of Management


  • Guanghua School of Management



Guanghua School of Management

Dongning Yang is an associate professor of Department of Management Science and Information System at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He received his Ph. D. in environmental science and engineering from Xiamen University in 2000. His current research focuses on corporate environmental management, green innovation, environmental economics and policy, and the interaction of environmental sustainability issues, social responsibility, and strategic management. His publications have appeared in the Environmental Pollution, China Quarterly, Communication of AIS, and some of the top Chinese journals. He teaches MBA courses such as Sustainable Venturing and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Education Background

  • 1999 Xiamen University Environmental Science and Engineering
  • 1995 Jilin University Environmental Sciences

Career Experience

  • 2007~present Associate Professor of Management Science, Guanghua School of Management
  • 2002~2007 Assistant Professor of Management Science, Guanghua School of Management
  • 2000~2002 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
  • 1995~2000 Doctoral Candidate, Research Center of Environmental Sciences, Xiamen University

Research Results

  • Li Xiangjin, Yang Dongning, and Lei Ming. 2012. A Cross-Level Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility Influences on Employees’ Job Performance. Economic Science. 191(5): 104-118. IN CHENESE
  • Yang Dongning, Zhou Linjie, and Li Xiangjin. 2011. Stakeholder Engagement and Competitive Advantage of the Firms: The Case of Corporate Environmental Management in China. Economic Management, 33(05): 70-78
  • Li Xiangjin, Yang Dongning, Xu Minya, Lei Ming. 2012. Productivity Dilemma of Chinese Labor-intensive Manufacturing Enterprises: From the Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility. Nankai Business Review, 15(3): 122-130
  • CaiJian, Yang Dongning, Li Dong. 2007. Designing the right IT services for the bottom of the pyramid, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 19, 513-521
  • Phillip Stalley, Yang Dongning. 2006. An Emerging Environmental Movement in China? China Quarterly, vol 186: 333-356, 574
  • Yang Dongning & Zhou Changhui. 2005. Toward an understanding of voluntary adoption of environmental management systems: Theory and evidence, IN CHINESE. Management World, 137(2):85-95, 107
  • Yang Dongning & Zhou Changhui. 2004. Organizational Capability: the Missing Link between Corporate Environmental Performance and Economic Performance, IN CHINESE with English abstract. China Industrial Economy, 193(4): 43-50
  • Yuan Dongxing, Yang Dongning, Terry Wade, QianYaorong. 2001. Status of persistent organic pollutants in the sediment from several estuaries in China. Environmental Pollution 114: 101-111
  • Yuan Dongxing, Yang Dongning, and et.. 2001. Concentrations and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organo-chlorides in surface sediment of Xiamen Western Harbour and Minjiang Estuary, IN CHINESE with English abstract. ACTA SCIENTIAE CIRCUMSTANTIAE, 21(1): 108-112

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