David Gomulya

Associate Professor at Singapore Management University


  • Singapore Management University



Singapore Management University


  • 2011
    PhD in Strategic Management and Technology Entrepreneurship
    Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington

  • 2009
    Master of Science (S.M.) in Business Administration
    Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington


  • Dean's Teaching Honour List (Top Faculty Members) Singapore Management University (2020)
  • Lee Kong Chian Fellow Singapore Management (2020)
  • Associate Professor Singapore Management University (2020)
  • Assistant Professor at LKC School of Business Singapore Management University (2018 — 2019)
  • Assistant Professor at Nanyang Business School Nanyang Technological University (2011 — 2017)
  • Assistant Regional Controller APL (2004 — 2006)
  • Management Trainee APL (2001 — 2004)

Research Interests

  • Corporate Governance and Strategic Leadership
  • Entrepreneurship

Selected Journal Articles

  • Park, UD; Boeker, W; Gomulya, D. (2019). "Political ideology of the board and CEO dismissal following financial misconduct." Strategic Management Journal. Forthcoming.
  • Gomulya, D., Jin, K., Lee, P., & Pollock, T. (2018). “Crossed wires: Endorsement signals and the effects of IPO firm delistings on Venture Capitalist’ reputations.” Academy of Management Journal. Forthcoming.
  • Chan, R., Park, D., Pattel, P., & Gomulya, D. (2018). “Reward-based crowdfunding success: Decomposition of the project, product category, entrepreneur, and location effects.” Venture Capital. Forthcoming.
  • Park, H., Howard, M., & Gomulya, D. (2018). “When does acquisition lead to breakthrough knowledge creation?” Journal of Management Studies Special Issue. Forthcoming.
  • Gomulya, D., Wong, E., Ormiston, M.E., & Boeker, W. (2017). “The face of the next leader: The role of facial structure and perceptions of trustworthiness on CEO selection.” Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(4): 617. (shared equal first authorship).
  • Gomulya, D., & Mishina, Y. (2017). Signaler credibility, signal susceptibility, and relative reliance on signals: How stakeholders change their evaluative processes after violation of expectations and rehabilitative efforts. Academy of Management Journal, 60(2): 554-583.
  • Gomulya, D., & Boeker, W. (2016). Reassessing board member allegiance: CEO replacement following financial misconduct. Strategic Management Journal, 37(9): 1898–1918.

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