Daniel Díaz-Fuentes

Full Professor in Economics at Universidad de Cantabria/Visiting Researcher at University of Oxford



I am Full Professor of Economics and leader of the Econpoint group at the University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain and president of the World Economy Society. I have lectured at the Universities of Oxford (1993-95 and 2019-20), Carlos III-Madrid (1990-93) and Buenos Aires (1985-88) and have been a Visiting Research Scholar at University of Oxford (2019-20), Cornell (2014-15), European University Institute (2006-07), UMIST-Manchester (1998-99), London School of Economics (1996), Oxford (1993-95), and Michigan University (1992). I have been founder and co-director of the Inter-university Master in Economics and the inter-university PhD in Economics between the universities of the Basque Country, Cantabria and Oviedo from 2005 to 2019. Current research and teaching in the Econpoint group covers the Public Service Economics and Innovation, International Business in Europe, and the International Finance of the Development Banks in Europe and worldwide.

Recent leadership and participation in international research projects including: GREENPATHS European Knowledge Hub On Just Transition Pathways - European Union Horizon Europe 2023 -2026, TOKEN -Transformative Impact of Blockchain Technologies in Public Services – European Union H2020 2000-2023 CITADEL -Empowering Citizens to Transform European Public Administrations- European Union H2020 2015-2019, COCOPS –Coordinating for Cohesion in the Public Sector of the Future - European Union VII FP 2011-14, The Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe - COST - IS0905 2010-14 , Infrastructure Finance in Europe - European Investment Bank - EIBURS 2010-15, Financial and Banking Globalization: International Financial Institutions, SANFI - 2013-17. I have been consultant for the United Nations, OECD, European Commission, European Investment Bank, Council of Europe Development Bank, European Centre of Public Enterprises and European Institute of Public Administration.

I have published in leading journals including: Cambridge Journal or Regions, Economy and Society, Public Management Review, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Global Policy, International Review of Applied Economics, Review of International Political Economy, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Journal of Policy Modeling, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Utilities Policy, Policy and Society, Regional Studies, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of Latin American Studies, Annals of Public Cooperative Economics, Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, Intereconomics, Review of European Economic Policy, Public Administration, European Law Journal, Business History, IEEE Access, Health Policy, REM-Journal of World Economy among others

Member of various programmes and commissions of the ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education); ANECA (Spanish Agency for Quality Academic Standards) Verification Programme 2008-2013, Research Programmes 2020-2022, AZVO (Croatia Agency for Science and Higher Education) 2013-2022.

Expert working for the ERA (European Research Agency) - 2015-2020, the CEB (Council of Europe Development Bank) - 2021-2023, the European Institute of Public Administration 2022-2023.

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