Consuelo Hernandez

Associate Professor Emerita of American University


Professor Hernández, a recipient of the National Endowment for Humanities Fellowship, and the Antonio Machado Poetry Prize, is devoted to creativity in poetry, teaching, literary criticism and cultural studies. Her own poetry, as well as several scholarly conferences on Octavio Paz and César Vallejo, are videotaped and recorded for the Archives at the Library of Congress. Prof. Hernández is the author of nine books: seven poetry collections and two scholarly books on Latin American poetry. Her Álvaro Mutis: Una estética del deterioro, a fundamental work on this outstanding writer, achieved Honors by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at NYU. In 2011 her collection of poetry Polifonía sobre rieles won the Antonio Machado Poetry Award in Spain, and, the same year, she was awarded the James Street Prize for Best Article published in Latin American Essays. Her more recent book of poetry Mi reino sin orillas was published in 2016.

Hernández, who has devoted her professional life to writing and teaching, received the Graduate New Faculty Award at AU, and was the creator of new courses at the Spanish and Latin American Studies Program at American University such as: Creative Writing in Spanish, Central America Cultural Studies, Colombia Past and Present, and Afro-Latin America Culture and Music. Before coming to AU, Hernández taught in Colombia, Venezuela, and in New York at Medgar Evers College, at Fordham University, at New York University, where she won the Celia Siegel Award for Excellence in Teaching; and also, at Manhattanville College, where she served as a Chair of the Spanish Department. Additionally, she was awarded with the “Mentor Appreciation Certificate” by Arizona State University.

Consuelo Hernández has appeared in both national as well as international media including The Washington Post. Gival Press, Voice of America, Library of Congress, Telemundo (the Spanish NBC channel), ElTiempo Latino, El Pregonero, La Tribuna Hispana USA, and Hispanic Poetry Review (USA); El Colombiano, Tele Antioquia, Radio de la Universidad Católica, El Tiempo, Lecturas Dominicales. (Colombia); Radio Nacional (Panamá); Diario Co-Latino and La prensa gráfica (El Salvador), Caretas and Cambio (Perú); La Jornada y Todito (México), Prensa Libre (Guatemala), El Nacional (Venezuela) Letras Salvajes (Puerto Rico); Aurora Boreal, (Dinamarca).


  • New York University - Ph, D., Latin American Literature 1987 - 1991
  • Universidad Simón Bolívar - Master's degree, Latin American Literature 1979 - 1982
  • University of Antioquia - Bachelor's degree, Education in Languages and Literature 1973 - 1976
  • Ph. D. New York University. New York, USA - Master's degree Universidad Simon Bolivar. Caracas, Venezuela, B. A. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellin, Colombia
  • Universidad Simón Bolívar - Master's degree
  • Universidad Simón Bolívar. Caracas, Venezuela. Masters' Degree


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