Charles Schell

Professor and Chair, Finance & Quantitative Methods at Vancouver Island University


*Education *

  • PhD (ABD) – Nottingham University Business School (Nottingham, UK)
  • MPhil – Finance, Manchester Business School (Manchester, UK)
  • MBA – Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec
  • BA – Economics, University Of Victoria, Victoria, BC

Teaching Area:

  • Finance

*Areas of Special Interest: *

  • Financial Services, Entrepreneurial Finance, International Finance, Investments, Valuation


Authored Books

  • Managing Credit Risk: Tools and Applications for Effective Risk Control, Euromoney Books. 2003
  • Corporate Credit Analysis, 2nd ed. with Nick Collett, Euromoney Books, 1996
  • Analysing Corporate Credit, 2nd ed, with Nick Collett, Euromoney Books, 1995
  • Corporate Credit Analysis, with Nick Collett, Euromoney Books, 1992

Edited Books

  • 'Is Size Important in Bank – Corporate Client Defections?' Structural Equation Modeling and Hierarchical Linear Modeling: Communicating across Disciplines. Edited by Leslie Hayduk, Xin Mah and Cathy Carter-Snell, The Population Research Laboratory of the Department of Sociology, University of Alberta, 2002.

  • Project and Infrastructure Finance in Asia 2nd ed, Asia Law & Practice, 1997. (Contributor)

  • Project and Infrastructure Finance in Asia, Asia Law & Practice, 1995. (Editor and Contributor)

  • 'Venture and Development Capital' in Blackwell's Business Dictionary, Douglas Wood ed., 1995 (also published in Portuguese, Chinese)

  • 'Corporate Banking and Relationship Management' in Relationship Marketing: Principles and Practice, F. Buttle, ed., Paul Chapman Publishing, 1996

Professional and Refereed Papers

  • 'Relationship Banking Special Report', Financial Director, May 2011, with N. Collett and R. Crump

  • 'Love's Labours Lost: Relationship Failures between Banks and Finance Directors', Financial Director, May 2011

  • 'Valuation of Bank Corporate Client Relationships as a Switching Option', ASAC Conference 2004

  • 'Firm Size and Commercial Bank Switching Intention'. QUIS Conference 2002.

  • 'How much is a bank-corporate client relationship worth?' ASBBS Conference 2002

  • 'Making London Underground Pay', The Treasurer, May 2001

  • 'Companies call the Banks to Account', Financial Director, November 1994, with D. Wood et al.

  • 'Relationship Banking and the FD', Financial Director, October 1992, with D. Wood et al.

  • Financial Director Survey Report, (a working paper) December 1992, with Doug Wood et al

  • 'Action Planning: A Programmed Approach for Managing Change', The Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, Volume 12, Number 1, 1991

Other Publications

  • 'A Culture of Responsibility: Bank Regulation after the Financial Crisis', South China Morning Post October 2009

  • International Business Strategy Study Guide with A. Giroud, R. Sinkovics, M. Yamin, Manchester Business School, 2009

  • 'The Impracticality and Improbability of Protectionism', Canada Hong Kong Business, April 2009

  • 'Globalisation – a New End Game?' Wealth Magazine, Vol. II No. 12, pp 28-30, May 2009

  • 'Globalisation – a New End Game?', Britain in Hong Kong pp 8-9 April 2009

  • 'Globalisation – a New End Game?', South China Morning Post April 2009

  • 'Bank Regulation – Time for more?' South China Morning Post, 4 Oct 2008

  • PowerPoint Slides to accompany Eun, Resnick, Brean, International Financial Management, McGraw Hill, 2008, 2005

  • Earnings and Cash Flow as Predictors of Value Creation. Price Waterhouse, 1997.

  • Bank Relationship Survey, A special report for National Westminster Bank, 1995

  • Financial Service Sector Report, Report to the Minister of Industry and Primary Resources, Government of Brunei Darussalam, 1995.

  • Forestry Sector Report, Report to the Minister of Industry and Primary Resources, Government of Brunei Darussalam, 1995.

  • Macroeconomic Variables in General Insurance, Royal Insurance Working Paper with Frank Byrne, 1994

  • Political Risk, In International Business Strategy, 1992, 2005, distance-learning package produced for the Institute for Financial Management.

  • Global Business Strategy, In International Business Strategy, 1992, 2003, 2007 distance-learning package produced for the Institute for Financial Management.

Professional Memberships / Affiliations

  • Academy of International Business
  • Administrative Science Association of Canada
  • Financial Management Association
  • American Finance Association


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