Casey Schwab

Associate Professor at Kelley School of Business


  • Kelley School of Business



Kelley School of Business

Areas of Expertise

Taxes and Business Strategy; Tax Avoidance; Accounting for Income Taxes; Financial Reporting; Accounting Quality

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D., Accounting, University of Texas
  • M.S.A., Accounting, Texas Tech University
  • B.B.A., Accounting, Texas Tech University

Professional Experience

  • Associate Professor, Indiana University, 2016-present
  • Assistant Professor, University of Georgia, 2009-2016
  • Doctoral Student, Research/Teaching Assistant, University of Texas, 2004-2009
  • Tax Consultant, Ernst & Young, LLP, 2002-2004

Selected Publications

  • Edwards, A., C. Schwab, and T. Shevlin (2016), “Financial Constraints and Cash Tax Savings,” The Accounting Review, 91(3): 859-881,
  • Bratten, B., R. Jennings, and C. Schwab, (2016), “Financial Statement Disclosure Accuracy: Evidence from Reported Stock Option Fair Values,” Accounting, Organizations and Society, 52: 32-49,
  • Ayers, B., C. Schwab, and S. Utke, (2015), “Noncompliance with Mandatory Disclosure Requirements: The Magnitude and Determinants of Undisclosed Permanently Reinvested Earnings,” The Accounting Review, 90(1): 59-83,
  • Bratten, B., R. Jennings, and C. Schwab (2015), “The effect of using a lattice model to estimate reported option values,” Contemporary Accounting Research, 32(1): 193-222,
  • Mills, L., S. Nutter, and C. Schwab (2013), “The Effect of Political Sensitivity and Bargaining Power on Taxes: Evidence from Federal Contractors,” The Accounting Review, 88(3): 977-1005,

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