Brijith Thomas

Assistant Professor at New York University Abu Dhabi


  • New York University Abu Dhabi



New York University Abu Dhabi

Dr Brijith Thomas holds a PhD degree from Leiden University, Netherlands for the novel methodology development in NMR crystallography to solve the supramolecular structure of the molecules used in artificial photosynthesis. After obtaining his PhD, he joined Dr Aaron Rossini’s group at Ames Laboratory, Iowa, USA to explore the latest state of art Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) SSNMR. Later he moved to Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel with Dr Michal Leskes to get expertise in endogenous metal ion DNP.

His research interests are in the methodology development in NMR crystallography by incorporating DNP SSNMR, electron diffraction data along with the spectroscopic, XRD and DFT calculations. The methodology will be applicable to a range of different materials like metal-organic frameworks, covalent organic frameworks, catalysts, supramolecules and inorganic oxides resulting in widespread potential applications. He has presented his work at a number of international conferences and in literature, where he has a good publication record in high impact journals like the Journal of American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie, Chemistry of Materials,..etc.

Dr Brijith Thomas received a prestigious Dean of Faculty Fellowship from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel in 2019. He was elected as the representative to the postdoctoral association at Iowa State University, Ames in 2018.

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