Borja Martin

Proffesor at MAMD at IE Business School


  • IE Business School



IE Business School

Borja Gómez Martín began working with the construction and engineering company, IDOM, in 2012, he is responsible for developing competitions, designing, and drafting the construction documents of several national and international projects including the Hospital del Salvador, in Chile and the Lima Convention Center, in Lima.

He has been the recipient of several prizes in national and international architecture competitions, including first prize in the competition for the design of the Clinica Universidad de Navarra, in Madrid and the second prize for the Filmoteca de Argel competition, in Argel, Spain. He has taught at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and is currently an invited professor for the MACA master’s program at ETSAM.

He earned his degree and graduated as the head of his class at the Polytechnic University of Madrid School of Architecture (ETSAM). He also completed his Master’s degree MPAA at ETSAM, graduating with honors. He has studied in both Madrid and the U.S. and was awarded several student prizes and scholarships, including the Premio extraordinario fin de carrera, AIA design excellence award and E.T.S.A.M MPAA scholarship. He is currently researching for his Ph.D.


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