Arumugam Nallanathan

Professor of Wireless Communications at Queen Mary University of London



Arumugam Nallanathan (S’97–M’00–SM’05–F’17) is Professor of Wireless Communications and Head of the Communication Systems Research (CSR) group in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London since September 2017. He was with the Department of Informatics at King’s College London from December 2007 to August 2017, where he was Professor of Wireless Communications from April 2013 to August 2017 and a Visiting Professor from September 2017. He was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore from August 2000 to December 2007.

His research interests include Artificial Intelligence for Wireless Systems, 5G and beyond Wireless Networks, Internet of Things (IoT) and Molecular Communications. He published nearly 500 technical papers (including more than 200 IEEE journal papers) in scientific journals and international conferences. He is a co-recipient of the Best Paper Awards presented at the IEEE International Conference on Communications 2016 (ICC’2016), IEEE Global Communications Conference 2017 (GLOBECOM’2017) and IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2017 (VTC’2017).

He is an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications and a Senior Editor for IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. He was an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2006-2011), IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2006-2017) and IEEE Signal Processing Letters. He served as the Chair for the Signal Processing and Communication Electronics Technical Committee of IEEE Communications Society and Technical Program Chair and member of Technical Program Committees in numerous IEEE conferences. He received the IEEE Communications Society SPCE outstanding service award 2012 and IEEE Communications Society RCC outstanding service award 2014. He has been selected as a Web of Science (ISI) Highly Cited Researcher in 2016.


  • Professor of Wireless Communications Queen Mary University of London (2017)
  • Professor of Wireless Communications King's College London (2013 — 2017)
  • Reader in Communications King's College London (2011 — 2013)
  • Senior Lecturer King's College London (2007 — 2011)
  • Assistant Professor National University of Singapore (2000 — 2007)


  • PhD The University of Hong Kong (1996 — 2000)
  • CPGS University of Cambridge (1992 — 1994)
  • BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Peradeniya (1985 — 1991)


  • Wireless Technologies
  • RF
  • Modeling


Applied Mathematics, R&D, VHDL, Theory, Mobile Communications, Mathematica, University Teaching, Wireless Sensor Networks, MIMO, OFDM, Statistics, Computer Vision, Numerical Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Embedded Systems, Higher Education, Simulink, Information Theory, Programming, Wireless, Teaching, Science, LTE, Image Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Lecturing, Optimization, Digital Signal Processors, Mathematical Modeling, Research, Algorithms, Simulations, Matlab, LaTeX, Signal Processing

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