Angela Acocella

Research Assistant at MIT CTL: MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics


  • MIT CTL: MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics




MIT CTL: MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics

Angi Acocella Is a PhD candidate and Research Assistant at CTL through MIT’s Civil Engineering Department. Her current research focuses on freight transportation and explores the relationships between shippers and motor carriers and their implications on pricing and performance. Angi received her BS in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and her MSc from MIT in the Technology and Policy Program in the Engineering Systems Division on a Fellowship from the Tata Center of Technology & Design.

Prior to joining CTL, Angi was a Research Associate at Harvard Business School where she co-authored cases for both elective and required curriculum in the Technology and Operations Management unit and the Business, Government, and International Economy unit. Her previous research has appeared as peer-reviewed articles in leading engineering, economics, and business journals. Angi’s industry experience includes her work at IBM modeling and testing the thermal management design of the Z-series mainframe servers and thermal stress testing at the chip manufacturing and packaging levels.

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