Andrew Perkins

Associate Professor Marketing and International Business at Washington State University


Dr. Andrew Perkins is an associate professor of Marketing and International Business. Dr. Perkins' research explores numerous facets of what is generally termed Implicit Social Cognition, broadly defined as the cognitive processes that affect our behavior but are unavailable to introspection by consumers and not directly observable by researchers. Within the general domain of Implicit Social Cognition, Dr. Perkins examines the cognitive and behavioral effects of linking new or novel objects to the consumer self-concept, how the metaphorical relationship between psychological and physical experience affects behavior, and how implicit, or unconscious, attitudes and cognitive processes affect perceptions of race, gender, and nationality. Dr. Perkins has published numerous articles in top Marketing journals, including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and Journal of Management. Dr. Perkins is also the director of the Center for Behavioral Business Research (CBBR). The mission of the CBBR is to bring together industry leaders, academics, and students for the study of various behavioral issues relevant to business, consumers and broader society.


  • PhD (University of Washington Foster School of Business)
  • MBA (Washington State University)
  • BS (Washington State University)

Research Interests

  • Consumer Attitudes
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Consumer Decision-Making
  • Consumer Morality
  • Consumer Self-Concept
  • Embodied Cognition
  • Implicit Social Cognition
  • Self-Identity

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