Alison While

Emeritus Professor at King's College London


  • King's College London



King's College London

Having had significant executive and non-executive management experience over many years in healthcare and nurse education with a track record of winning, leading and managing complex public sector contracts with demanding financial and quality targets, I am looking for non-executive and advisory work in the fields of older people and long term care, education and care training.

I understand the interface with public sector organisations and regulatory frameworks. I have worked with public services and other sectors to deliver advisory work (including strategic and operational), professional education, CPPD and research with particular reference to nursing.

I am an expert in long term care across the lifespan (including care of the elderly) especially relating to care outside hospitals. I have a very strong UK and international reputation earned over many years of publishing and from visiting professorial appointments. I have knowledge of healthcare delivery in the UK, parts of Europe, the Middle East and PR China. Most recently I have undertaken risk reviews and advised on risk management.


  • Advisory roles
  • Non-executive
  • Risk management
  • Mentoring
  • Culture change
  • Healthcare strategy
  • Healthcare regulation
  • Staff development
  • Education
  • Customer/user/patient insight
  • Long term care including older people care
  • Children with chronic illness/disabilities
  • Wellbeing and wellness
  • Telecare / digital health


  • Associate Editor International Journal of Nursing Studies (2017)
  • Emeritus Professor King's College London (2014)
  • Chair of Council Queen's College London (2011)
  • Consultant Editor of British Journal of Community Nursing Mark Allen Group (1997)
  • Non Executive Director Audley Retirement (2015 — 2016)
  • Visiting Professor 2nd Military Medical University, Shanghai, PR China (2008 — 2014)
  • Foundation Governor Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (2009 — 2014)
  • Professor of Community Nursing King's College London (1977 — 2014)
  • Visiting Professor Trinity College Dublin (2005 — 2013)


  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Nursing Studies University of London (1980 - 1985)
  • MSc, Sociology of Education Polytechnic of the South Bank London (1978 - 1980)
  • BSc, Sociology and Social Administration University of Southampton (1972 - 1977)
  • Registered Nurse Educator Thames Polytechnic, London (1991)
  • Registered Health Visitor University of Southampton (1975 — 1977)
  • Registered Nurse Florence Nightingale School of Nursing, St Thomas' Hospital, London (1972 — 1975)

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