Found 188 experts

Søren Jeppesen

CBS Executive

Associate professor, Ph.D at CBS Executive

Anne-Marie Søderberg

CBS Executive

Professor, at CBS Executive

Virginia Doellgast

ILR School

Associate Professor and Chair of International & Comparative Labor at ILR School

Caroline de la Porte

CBS Executive

Head of Department, Professor MSO at CBS Executive

Jari Lavonen

Aalto University School of Business

Stefano Ponte

CBS Executive

Professor, at CBS Executive

Ana Maria Munar

CBS Executive

Associate professor, PhD at CBS Executive

Jan Damsgaard

CBS Executive

Head of Department, professor at CBS Executive

Karin Buhmann

CBS Executive

Professor, Dr.scient.adm & PhD at CBS Executive

Trine Bille

CBS Executive

Professor with special responsibilities, cand.polit., PhD at CBS Executive