Found 188 experts

Øivind Revang

BI Norwegian Business School

Professor - Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at BI Norwegian Business School

David Domeij

Stockholm School of Economics

Associate Professor at Stockholm School of Economics

Rasmus Tue Pedersen

CBS Executive

Postdoc, at CBS Executive

Frans Bevort

CBS Executive

Associate professor, PHD at CBS Executive

András Tilcsik

Rotman School of Management

Associate Professor of Strategic Management Canada Research Chair in Strategy, Organizations, and Society at Rotman School of Management

Holger Højlund

CBS Executive

Associate professor, PhD at CBS Executive

Morten Lau

CBS Executive

Professor, Phd University of Copenhagen 2001 at CBS Executive

Morten Igel Lau

CBS Executive

Professor, Phd University of Copenhagen 2001 at CBS Executive

Antonia Erz

CBS Executive

Postdoc, PHD at CBS Executive