Found 999+ experts

Susan Kaufmann Nash

New York University Abu Dhabi

Assistant Professor of Practice, Legal Studies at New York University Abu Dhabi

Kat Agres

National University of Singapore

Assistant Professor at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (YSTCM) at National University of Singapore

D Israel

XLRI - Xavier School of Management

Norman Bradburn

Harris School of Public Policy

Tiffany and Margaret Blake Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at Harris School of Public Policy

David S. Weiss

Schulich Executive Learning Centre

Affiliate Professor at Rotman School of Management / President and CEO of Weiss International Ltd. at Schulich Executive Learning Centre

Jan Schneemeier

Kelley School of Business

Assistant Professor at Kelley School of Business

Marylu Hill

Villanova University

Teaching Professor at Villanova University

Julie Boyd

Professor at The New School for Drama

Ingrid De Frankopan


Research Professor at -

Douglas Kohn

Fordham University

Adjunct Professor at Fordham University