Found 999+ experts

Isabel Günther

ETH Zurich

Professor of Development Economics at Zurich School for Continuing Education

Duncan Simester

IMD Business School

Sloan School of Management

Professor of Marketing at Sloan School of Management

Kai Phua

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Adjunct Senior Fellow at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Sujata Visaria

HKUST Business School

Associate Professor at HKUST Business School

Dongwon Lee

HKUST Business School

Assistant Professor of Information Systems at HKUST Business School

Jeffrey Goldsmith

Harvard Medical School

Associate Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School

Simon Hulme

UCL School of Management

Senior Teaching Fellow Programme Director (MSc Entrepreneurship) at UCL School of Management

Dai Yao


Associate Professor of Marketing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University at -

Carl Ackermann

Mendoza College of Business

Nolan Professorship for Excellence in Undergraduate Instruction; Teaching Professor at Mendoza College of Business

Travers Barclay Child


Assistant Professor of Finance at CEIBS