Kai Phua

Adjunct Senior Fellow at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy


  • Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy



Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

PHUA Kai Hong is Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies and held a previous professorship at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. He is currently Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, Nazarbayev University. He has taught health management and social policy, health economics and global health in the various programs in public policy. He was Associate Professor and Head, Health Services Research at the NUS Department of Community, Occupational & Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. He graduated with honors cum laude at Harvard University and received graduate degrees from the Harvard School of Public Health (Master in Health Services Administration & Population Sciences) and the London School of Economics and Political Science (PhD in Social Administration, specializing in Health Economics). He was the recipient of a Harvard College Scholarship, the Sigma Scholarship from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, and the National University of Singapore Overseas Graduate Scholarship. He delivered the 2012 ST Lee Lecture at Menzies Centre for Health Policy, University of Sydney and the Australian National University.

Dr Phua has produced over 200 publications and papers in the field of health policy & management and related areas, including the history of health services, population ageing, health economics & financing. He is author of Singapore Chronicles: Healthcare (2018) and principal co-editor of Ageing Asia: Contemporary Trends and Policy Issues (2019). He is lead editor of the Social Science & Medicine special issue on Health Systems in Asia (2017), led the Rockefeller Foundation-funded project on Trends Monitoring in Asia, from 1999-2014 as Principal Investigator, and is co-lead author of the overview for the Lancet Series on Health in Southeast Asia (2011). He is a founding member of the Asian Health Systems Reform Network (DRAGONET); was a past Chair, Executive Board of Asia-Pacific Health Economics Network; and past Associate Editor of Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health and Singapore Economic Review.

He has undertaken numerous international consulting assignments for governments, multi-national corporations and non-governmental organizations. He was a member of the WHO Expert Committee on the Economics of Healthy Ageing (2018-2019), Experts’ Forum on NCDs in Emerging Countries (2019), and the International Think-Tank on Health Insurance, Executive Council, Government of Dubai (2007-2008). In the region, he has served as Chairman, Technical Advisory Group on Health Sector Development of the World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Office (2000-2005) and moderated the Ministerial Roundtable on Health and Poverty at the WHO Regional Meeting in 2000 and the WHO Bi-Regional Meeting on Health Care Financing in 2005. He has consulted to organizations like the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, the International Red Cross, Asian Development Bank, United Nations Economic & Social Commission for the Asia-Pacific, World Bank and World Health Organization.

Research Interests

  • Social policy and ageing, health economics and financing, history of health & social services in Singapore and Asia.


  • “Ageing in Asia: Beyond Universal Health Care and the Astana Declaration on Primary Health Care”, Phua KH, Goh LG and Sharipova D, International Journal of Health Policy & Management (forthcoming)
  • “The Healthcare System in Singapore”, in 50 Secrets of Singapore’s Success, Tommy Koh (ed), Straits Times Press, Singapore, 2020
  • Ageing in Asia: Contemporary Challenges and Policy Issues, Phua KH, Goh LG and Yap MY (eds), Singapore: World Scientific, 2019
  • “The British Legacy in Healthcare”, in 200 Years of Singapore and the United Kingdom, Tommy Koh, Scott Wightman (eds), Straits Times Press, Singapore, 2019
  • Singapore Chronicles: Healthcare, Singapore: Institute of Policy Studies, 2018


  • “Covid-19 poses challenges in healthcare financing”, Straits Times, Wednesday, May 27, 2020
  • “The 3 factors that make Singapore’s health system the envy of the West”, QUARTZ, November 14, 2017
  • “The public-private formula for universal health coverage”, Business Times, Mar 3, 2015
  • “Medishield Life: Some challenges to consider, TODAY, 28 January, 2015
  • “Global Health: Infectious Disease Pandemics from the Asian Perspective”, Phua KH and Nodzenski M, in Report of the Task Force on Global Health, Trilateral Commission Annual Meeting, Seoul, 2014


  • Consultant, Western Pacific/East Asian Region Expert Consultation on “Embedded primary health care research to engage communities and build learning health systems”, WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, July 2020
  • Keynote Speaker, “Achieving an Effective, Efficient and Sustainable Healthcare System”, Monash Health Economics Forum, Malaysia, Nov 20-21, 2019
  • EIU Experts’ Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases, Economists’ Intelligence Unit, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Sep 2019
  • WHO Country Lead Expert and author to prepare materials on investments in health, G20 Summit - Health Ministers’ Meeting, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, World Health Organization, Geneva, April 2019
  • Invited Speaker, IOM/WHO Event on Primary Health Care: The Economic Case for Migrants’ Health, International Organization for Migration and World Health Organization, Global Conference in Primary Health Care, Astana, Oct 2018


  • Fees Benchmark Advisory Committee, Ministry of Health, Singapore, 2018 -2020
  • WHO Expert Committee on the Economics of Healthy Ageing, World Health Organization, Geneva, 2017-2018
  • Senior Exchange Faculty to the Graduate School of Public Policy, Nazarbayev University, 2017
  • Coordinator, Public Policy Academic Exercise (PAE) Programme, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, 2016-2017
  • Team Leader/Principal Investigator, Asian Trends Monitoring Project, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the Centre for Strategic Futures, Prime Minister’s Office, Government of Singapore, 2000-2015


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