Found 999+ experts

Robert E. Siegel

Stanford University (ONLINE)

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Lecturer in Management at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Bill Browning

Harvard Graduate School of Design

Founding Partner, Terrapin Bright Green at Harvard Graduate School of Design

Chad Autry

Haslam College of Business

FedEx Corporation Endowed Professor of Supply Chain, Wisecarver Fund Professor, Department Head at Haslam College of Business

Robert Lawrence

Harvard Kennedy School

Albert L Williams Professor of International Trade and Investment at Harvard Kennedy School

Raj Desai

ESADE Business School

Brookings Institution

Nonresident Senior Fellow - Global Economy and Development at Brookings Institution

Michael Gold

ILR School

Associate Professor of Labor Relations, Law and History at ILR School

Stefan Hock

UCONN - University of Connecticut

Assistant Professor at UCONN - University of Connecticut

Monica Borgida

D'Amore-McKim School of Business

Assistant Teaching Professor at D'Amore-McKim School of Business

Gene Imhoff

Coles College of Business

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Professor Emeritus of Accounting at Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Kenneth Bardach

Fundação Dom Cabral

Adjunct Professor in Residence at Fundação Dom Cabral