Found 999+ experts

William Galston

Brookings Institution

Ezra K. Zilkha Chair and Senior Fellow - Governance Studies at Brookings Institution

Christina Kwauk

Brookings Institution

Fellow - Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education at Brookings Institution

Gal Raz

Ivey Business School

Associate Professor, Operations Management & Sustainability at Ivey Business School

Paul Hirsch

Kellogg School of Management

James L. Allen Professor of Strategy & Organizations, Professor of Management & Organizations at Kellogg School of Management

Edward Malthouse

Northwestern University in Qatar

Erastus Otis Haven Professor and Research Director of Spiegel Research Center at Northwestern University in Qatar

Ronald Burt

Booth School of Business

Charles M. Harper Leadership Professor of Sociology and Strategy at Booth School of Business

Joshua Rauh

Stanford Graduate School of Business

The Ormond Family Professor of Finance at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Dirk Hackbarth

Boston University

Professor of Finance at Boston University

Corey Phelps

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

McGill Executive institute

Lisa Ordóñez

Eller Executive Education

Vice Dean of Academic Programs, McClelland Professor of Management and Organizations, McClelland Professor of Marketing at Eller Executive Education