Found 999+ experts

Mary Jo Bane

Harvard Kennedy School

Thornton Bradshaw Professor of Public Policy and Management, Emerita at Harvard Kennedy School

Abbey Stemler

Kelley School of Business

Assistant Professor of Business Law and Ethics at Kelley School of Business

Martin Bæk Carstensen

CBS Executive

Associate professor, at CBS Executive

Shannon Hessel

CBS Executive

External Lecturer at CBS Executive

Caitlin Talmadge

Brookings Institution

Nonresident Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence at Brookings Institution

John Berdell

DePaul University

Associate Professor Department of Economics at DePaul University

Evan Stewart

Cornell School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions

Partner at Cohen & Gresser LLP at Cornell School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions

Allison Elias


Darden School of Business

Assistant Professor of Business Administration at Darden School of Business

Rod White

Ivey Business School

Professor Emeritus, General Management & Strategy at Ivey Business School

Livia Lopes Barakat

Fundação Dom Cabral

Professor and International Program Director at Fundação Dom Cabral