Found 862 experts

Peng Liu

School of Hotel Administration

Associate Professor at School of Hotel Administration

Amy Wrzesniewski

University of Cape Town

Yale School of Management

Professor of Organizational Behavior at Yale School of Management

Ellen Auster

Schulich School of Business

Professor of Strategic Management; Executive Director, York Change Leadership (YCL) at Schulich School of Business

Christopher Dede

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education

Sarah Kaplan

The Wharton School

Rotman School of Management

Distinguished Professor of Gender & the Economy / Professor of Strategic Management at Rotman School of Management

Professor at The Wharton School

Charley Swords

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Consultant and Mentor at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Mark Blyth

CBS Executive

Political Economist at CBS Executive

John Stephens

Weatherhead School of Management

Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at Weatherhead School of Management

R. Edward Freeman

Darden School of Business

University Professor; Elis and Signe Olsson Professor of Business Administration; at Darden School of Business

Luis Martins

McCombs School of Business

Professor and Chair, Department of Management at McCombs School of Business