Found 999+ experts

Nicole Hartley

UQ Business School

Senior Lecturer at UQ Business School

Joseph Golec

UCONN - University of Connecticut

Professor at UCONN - University of Connecticut

Qingyuan Yue

Columbia Business School

Associate Professor at the Management Division at Columbia Business School

Graham Gal

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Associate Professor Accounting at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Carl Mela

Fuqua School of Business

T. Austin Finch Foundation Professor at Fuqua School of Business

Rembrand Koning

Harvard Business School

Assistant Professor Of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Greg Autry

Thunderbird School of Global Management

Clinical Professor of Space Leadership, Policy and Business at Thunderbird School of Global Management

Lisa Barron

Merage School of Business

Full-time Lecturer at Merage School of Business

Oliver Rutz

Foster School of Business

Associate Professor of Marketing at Foster School of Business

Harry Mamaysky

Columbia Business School

Professor of Professional Practice in the Faculty of Business at Columbia Business School