Found 999+ experts

Paolo Taticchi

UCL School of Management

Imperial College London

Visiting Professor in Strategy and Sustainability at Imperial College Business School

Professor in Strategy and Sustainability & School's Deputy Director at UCL School of Management

Jonas Hoffman


The Florida International University College of Business

Associate Professor at SKEMA

Gihan Gamage

Teaching Assistant at La Trobe University

Paola Cillo

ESADE Business School

SDA Bocconi School of Management

Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Technology at SDA Bocconi School of Management

Sergio Beretta

SDA Bocconi School of Management

Bertrand Monnet

EDHEC Business School

Research Director, Head of the chair Criminal Risks Management, Adjunct Professor at EDHEC Business School

Daniel Arenas Vives

ESADE Business School

Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences in ESADE, URL Associate Professor, Director, Department of Social Sciences , Co-ordinator GRRSE, at ESADE Business School

Frederic Godart

INSEAD Business School

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour at INSEAD Business School

Marc Guyot


Teaching Professor, Economics Department at ESSEC