Found 999+ experts

Kelly Haws

Owen Graduate School of Management

Professor of Marketing at Owen Graduate School of Management

Christopher Miners

Smith School of Business

Associate Professor at Smith School of Business

Michael Trick

Tepper School of Business

Harry B. and James H. Higgins Professor of Operations Research Dean, Carnegie Mellon University Qatar at Tepper School of Business

Garth Frazer

Rotman School of Management

Associate Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy, Department of Management, University of Toronto Scarborough at Rotman School of Management

Thomas Hughes

Darla Moore School of Business

Senior Lecturer, at Darla Moore School of Business

John Givens

Assistant Professor of Political Science & International Affairs at Kennesaw State University

Johannes Spinnewijn

The London School of Economics and Political Science

Professor of Economics at The London School of Economics and Political Science

Philip Strahan

Carroll School of Management

professor and john l. collins, s.j. chair in finance - finance department at Carroll School of Management

James Owens

USC Marshall School of Business

Associate Professor of Clinical Business Communication at USC Marshall School of Business

Ilya Segal

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Professor of Economics (by courtesy) at Stanford Graduate School of Business