Found 999+ experts

Meredith Phillips

Luskin School of Public Affairs

Associate Professor of Public Policy and Sociology and Chair of Undergraduate Affairs at Luskin School of Public Affairs

Winny Shen

Schulich School of Business

Associate Professor of Organization Studies at Schulich School of Business

Will Mitchell

Rotman School of Management

Anthony S. Fell Chair in New Technologies and Commercialization Professor of Strategic Management at Rotman School of Management

Eric Barrette

Carlson School of Management

Kellogg School of Management

Lecturer at Carlson School of Management

Adjunct Professor of Health Enterprise Management at Kellogg School of Management

Ron Shachar

Reichman University

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Adjunct Professor at Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Head of the Honors Program and Full Professor at Reichman University

Stanley Zin

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

William R. Berkley Professor of Economics and Business at Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Melissa Sands

The London School of Economics and Political Science

Assistant Professor of Politics and Data Science Department of Government at The London School of Economics and Political Science

Kristina Vaarst Andersen

CBS Executive

Assistant professor, at CBS Executive

Jaime Salas

Graziadio School of Business and Management

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Graziadio School of Business and Management

Adam Looney

Brookings Institution

Nonresident Senior Fellow - Economic Studies at Brookings Institution