Found 999+ experts

Jason Hunter


Professor Global Leadership Program at The Conscious Leadership Institute at -

L. Lin Ong, PhD

Assistant Professor of International Business and Marketing at California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Davina Wood

Harvard Graduate School of Design

Vice President at Affordable Housing Institute at Harvard Graduate School of Design

Dirk Vandewalle

Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Associate Professor of Government at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Jessica Alexander

School of International and Public Affairs

Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service at Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Lecturer of International and Public Affairs (part-time) at School of International and Public Affairs

Hisham Aidi

School of International and Public Affairs

Lecturer in the Discipline of International and Public Affairs at School of International and Public Affairs

Patricia Samwick

School of International and Public Affairs

Adjunct Assistant Professor of International and Public Affairs at School of International and Public Affairs

Patricia Angus

Columbia Business School

Booth School of Business

CEO at Angus Advisory Group LLC at Columbia Business School

Catherine Rymsha

UMass Lowell

Lecturer (Managerial Leadership & Leadership Processes) at UMass Lowell

Javier Busquets

ESADE Business School

Director Master of Science in Digital Business / Associate Professor, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences at ESADE Business School