Found 999+ experts

Sid Browne

Columbia Business School

Professor at Columbia Business School

Craig Dunbar

Ivey Business School

Associate Professor, Finance at Ivey Business School

Sara Hobolt

The London School of Economics and Political Science

Professor (Sutherland Chair in European Institutions) at The London School of Economics and Political Science

Mehdi Farajallah

Rennes School of Business

Associate Professor at Rennes School of Business

Lee Dyer

ILR School

Professor Emeritus of Human Resource Studies at ILR School

Niteesh Choudhry

Harvard Medical School

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

Professor of Medicine at International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

Xi Weng

Guanghua School of Management

Professor Applied Economics at Guanghua School of Management

Ulaş Karakoç

Assistant Professor in Economics of Kadir Has University

Yurianna Kim

McCombs School of Business

Yurianna Kimmons

McCombs School of Business