Found 999+ experts

Jan Damsgaard

CBS Executive

Head of Department, professor at CBS Executive

Sascha Albers

Antwerp Management School

Professor of International Management at University of Antwerp/Professor of International Management at Antwerp Management School

Jörg Claussen

CBS Executive

Assistant professor, at CBS Executive

Olaf Sigurjonsson

CBS Executive

Associate professor, at CBS Executive

Graef Gunnar

ESCP Europe Business School

Affiliate Professor at ESCP Europe Business School

Ad de Jong

CBS Executive

Professor, at CBS Executive

Michel Van der Borgh

CBS Executive

Associate professor, at CBS Executive

Peter Berg

CBS Executive

Lecturer of Marketing at CBS Executive

John Christiansen

CBS Executive

Professor, PhD at CBS Executive

Reyero Laura

ESCP Europe Business School

Affiliate Professor at ESCP Europe Business School