Found 539 experts

Olli Ikkala

Aalto University School of Business

Professor at Aalto University School of Business

Philip Tetlock

The Wharton School

Leonore Annenberg University Professor in Democracy and Citizenship at The Wharton School

Markus Giesler

Schulich School of Business

Columbia Business School

Associate Professor of Marketing at Schulich School of Business

Poul Fritz Kjær

CBS Executive

Professor with special responsibilities, Dr. at CBS Executive

Miina Rautiainen

Aalto University School of Business

Assistant Professor, remote sensing at Aalto University School of Business

Heikki Remes

Aalto University School of Business

Assistant Professor at Aalto University School of Business

Rolf Stenberg

Aalto University School of Business

Professor, Computational Mechanics at Aalto University School of Business

Tim Vogus

Owen Graduate School of Management

Faculty Director, Leadership Development Program, Brownlee O. Currey, Jr., Professor of Management at Owen Graduate School of Management

William Ocasio

Kellogg School of Management

John L. and Helen Kellogg Professor of Management & Organizations at Kellogg School of Management

Gary Pisano

Harvard Business School

Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School