Found 999+ experts

Anthony Lee Zhang

Booth School of Business

Assistant Professor Of Finance at Booth School of Business

Scott Kominers

Harvard Business School

Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Kathleen Myalls

DePaul University

Adjunct Professor at DePaul University

Erica Groshen

ILR School

Visiting Senior Scholar at ILR School

Pooya Molavi

Kellogg School of Management

Donald P. Jacobs Scholar at Kellogg School of Management

Jacob Shapiro

Harris School of Public Policy

Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Robert Taggart

Carroll School of Management

professor - finance department at Carroll School of Management

Jennifer Savary

Eller Executive Education

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Eller Executive Education

Quentin Vandeweyer

Booth School of Business

Assistant Professor of Finance at Booth School of Business

Sephorah Mangin

Senior Lecturer in Economics (Assistant Professor) at The Australian National University