Found 461 experts

William Kinney

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

McCombs School of Business

Professor Emeritus at McCombs School of Business

Mark Hughes

Aalto University School of Business

Professor, Wood Technology at Aalto University School of Business

Mark Muro

Brookings Institution

Senior Fellow and Policy Director - Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings Institution

Baruch Fischhoff

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

David Williams

Haslam College of Business

William B. Stokely Faculty Research Fellow, Associate Professor & Director of the Ph.D. in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations Program at Haslam College of Business

Manju Puri

Fuqua School of Business

J. B. Fuqua Professor at Fuqua School of Business

Marianne Bertrand

Booth School of Business

Chris P. Dialynas Distinguished Service Professor of Economics at Booth School of Business

Marc van Essen

Darla Moore School of Business

Associate Professor, at Darla Moore School of Business

Anna Leander

CBS Executive

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Professor with special responsibilities, at CBS Executive

Hassan Tehranian

Carroll School of Management

griffith family millennium chair, professor - finance department at Carroll School of Management