Found 651 experts

Amelia Haviland

Heinz College

Associate Professor of Statistics and Health Policy at Heinz College

Lisa Najavits

Harvard Medical School

Adjunct Professor at Harvard Medical School

Pirjo Sanaksenaho

Aalto University School of Business

Associate Professor, Building Design at Aalto University School of Business

Stanley Veliotis

Fordham University

Associate Professor Accounting and Taxation at Fordham University

Jean Baldwin Grossman

Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Lecturer of Economics and Public Affairs at Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Qi Chen

Fuqua School of Business

Martin L. Black, Jr Professor at Fuqua School of Business

Alan Strudler

The Wharton School

Professor of Legal Studies & Business Ethics at The Wharton School

Emily Griffith

Wisconsin School of Business

Assistant Professor - Accounting & Information Systems at Wisconsin School of Business

Rodrigo Canales

Questrom School of Business

Kelli Questrom Associate Professor In Management; Associate Professor, Management & Organizations at Questrom School of Business

Linda Boardman Liu

Carroll School of Management

associate professor of the practice, assistant chairperson - operations management department at Carroll School of Management