Found 999+ experts

Nik de Boer

Assistant Professor in Constitutional Law at the Amsterdam Law School

Anna De Longhi

Intern - Assistant to a Professor

Tine De Moor

Rotterdam School of Management

Professor of Social Enterprise and Institutions for Collective Action at Rotterdam School of Management

Melissa de Zwart

The University of Adelaide

Professor of Digital Technology, Security and Governance at College of Business, Government and Law at Flinders University at The University of Adelaide

Ties de Kok

Foster School of Business

Assistant Professor in Accounting at Foster School of Business

Antonio De Vito

IE University

Assistant Professor, Accounting & Management Control at IE University

Álvaro De Andrés

IE Business School

Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at IE Business School

Lynne De Lay

Center for Creative Leadership

CEO and Founder of One World Leaders / Senior Faculty and Leadership Coach at Center for Creative Leadership

Elisabeth de Fontenay

Harvard Law School

Professor of Law at Duke Law School at Harvard Law School

Gerdien de Vries

TU Delft

Assistant Professor Public Management and Organisation at TU Delft