Found 999+ experts

Peter Fleming

Bayes Business School

Professor of Business and Society at Cass Business School

Peter Grant

Bayes Business School

Senior Lecturer in Management at Cass Business School

Peter Sterpe

Carroll School of Management

assistant professor of the practice at Carroll School of Management

Peter Wilson

Babson Olin Graduate School of Business

Lecturer at Babson Olin Graduate School of Business

Peter Joos

INSEAD Business School

Associate Professor of Accounting and Control at INSEAD Business School

Peter Carnevale

USC Marshall School of Business

Professor of Management and Organization at USC Marshall School of Business

Peter Goodridge

Imperial College London

Research Associate at Imperial College Business School

Peter Schott

Yale School of Management

Juan Trippe Professor of International Economics at Yale School of Management

Peter Salovey

Yale School of Management

Yale University President & Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology at Yale School of Management

Peter Easton

Mendoza College of Business

Notre Dame Alumni Professor of Accountancy at Mendoza College of Business