Found 999+ experts

Heather Anne Irwin

Rotman School of Management

Adjunct Professor of Finance at Rotman School of Management

Manh Anne Le

ESCP Europe Business School

PhD in Business Administration, Associate Professor at ESCP Europe Business School

Anne De Tinguy

Sciences Po

Professor Emeritus at Sciences Po

Anne Laure Humbert


Professor of Gender and Diversity at Oxford Brookes University/Visiting Researcher at Global Institute for Women's Leadership at -

Anne Live Vaagaasar

BI Norwegian Business School

Associate Professor - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at BI Norwegian Business School

Anne Welle Strand

BI Norwegian Business School

Professor - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at BI Norwegian Business School

Stephanie Anne Boyd

Columbia Business School

Kylie-Anne Richards

University of Technology Sydney

Lecturer at University of Technology Sydney

Mary Anne Ocampo

MIT School of Architecture and Planning

Associate Professor of the Practice of Urban Design and Planning at MIT School of Architecture and Planning

Anne Whiston Spirn

MIT School of Architecture and Planning

Professor of Landscape Architecture and Planning at MIT School of Architecture and Planning