Found 713 experts

Simone Meskelis


Adjunct Professor at Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business at University of Dallas at -

Seshadev Sahoo

Indian Institute of Management Lucknow

Professor of Finance and Accounting at Indian Institute of Management Lucknow

Carl Mela

Fuqua School of Business

T. Austin Finch Foundation Professor at Fuqua School of Business

Rahul Pandey

Fogelman College of Business & Economics, University of Memphis

Assistant Professor at Fogelman College of Business & Economics, University of Memphis

Kathan Shukla

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

Associate Professor at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

Khin Sandar Tun

National University of Singapore

Senior Research Fellow at National University of Singapore

Vineet Kumar

Yale School of Management

Associate Professor of Marketing at Yale School of Management

Pavel Kireyev

INSEAD Business School

Assistant Professor of Marketing at INSEAD Business School

Jeffrey Covin

Kelley School of Business

Professor of Strategic ManagementSamuel and Pauline Glaubinger Professor of Entrepreneurship at Kelley School of Business

Rusha Das


Research Associate at Geneva Graduate Institute at -