Found 283 experts

Aurelio Malo

Imperial College London

Honorary Lecturer at Imperial College London

Ryan Federo

Associate Professor in the Department of Business Economics at Universitat de les Illes Balears in Palma de Mallorca

Juan Diez


Associate Research Scientist at Gateway Institute for Brain Research at -

Joan Parés Serra


Associate Professor at -

Ramón Guerra

Villanova University

Adjunct Professor at Villanova University

Pedro Rey Biel

ESADE Business School

Associate Professor of Behavioral Economics at ESADE Business School

Kristine Kawamura


Clinical Professor of Management at Claremont Graduate University at -

Ke Yiping

Nanyang Technological University

Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University

Daniel Medina

IE Business School

Academic Director, Professor & Tutor at IE Business School

Daniel Spulber

Kellogg School of Management

Elinor Hobbs Professor of International Business, Professor of Strategy, Professor of Law, Northwestern University School of Law (Courtesy) at Kellogg School of Management