Found 999+ experts

Christopher Rosenqvist

Stockholm School of Economics

Senior Research Fellow at Stockholm School of Economics

Christopher Harris

Carey Business School

Lecturer (Marketing) at Carey Business School

Christopher Myers

Carey Business School

Associate Professor of Management & Organization at Carey Business School

Christopher Summers

Carlson School of Management

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Darla Moore School of Business / Lecturer at Carlson School of Management

Christopher Potts

Stanford University (ONLINE)

Christopher Monos

Fox School of Business

Assistant Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management at Fox School of Business

Christopher Agoglia

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Richard Simpson Endowed Professor Accounting at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Christopher Lamoureux

Eller Executive Education

Diamond Professor of Finance at Eller Executive Education

Christopher Harben


Assistant Teaching Professor of Management at The Behrend College at -

Christopher Germer

Harvard Medical School

Clinical Psychologist and Lecturer on Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School