Found 592 experts

Robert Levin

CEO at Emerging Star Digital and Emerging Star Capital / Adjunct Assistant Professor of Finance

Daniel Baack

Daniels College of Business

Associate Professor of Marketing / Academic Director / Assistant Dean at Daniels College of Business

Simon Hayley

Bayes Business School

Senior Lecturer in Finance at Cass Business School

Yang Dennis

Darden School of Business

Dale S. Coenen Free Enterprise Professor of Business Administration at Darden School of Business

Lumen Mulligan


Earl B. Shurtz Research Professor of Law at The University of Kansas at -

Steven Davis

Booth School of Business

William H. Abbott Distinguished Service Professor of International Business and Economics at Booth School of Business

Akshaya Jha

Heinz College

Assistant Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Heinz College

Nicholas Webb

Alliance Manchester Business School

Honorary Prof. of Paediatric Nephrology at Alliance Manchester Business School

Aljosja Beije

USC Marshall School of Business

MBA Lecturer at USC Marshall School of Business