Walid Hejazi

Associate Professor of International Business at Rotman School of Management


Rotman School of Management

Walid Hejazi is an Associate Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy, and Academic Director, at the Rotman School of Management. He has researched, advised, and testified extensively on global competitiveness, and is currently working on a series of studies which shed light on the competitiveness and productivity of Canadian firms. He teaches Macro and Global Economics in Rotman’s MBA and EMBA programs, and has also delivered lectures in over 30 countries. Walid has also developed and teaches a successful MBA course in Islamic Finance, the first such course in Canada.


  • PhD, University of Toronto
  • MA, University of Toronto
  • HBA, University of Western Ontario

Academic Positions

  • 2005-present  Associate Professor; Rotman School of Management
  • 2000-2005  Assistant Professor; cross appointed to the Rotman School of Management and the Division of Management at the University of Toronto at Scarborough
  • 1995-2000  Assistant Professor; Division of Management at the University of Toronto at Scarborough
  • 1994-1995  Research Fellow; Institute for International Business, University of Toronto
  • 1993-1994  Research Fellow; Institute for Policy Analysis, University of Toronto

Honors and Awards

  • 2016  2016 Leadership Award; Canada Post


Courses Taught

Read about executive education


U.S. Firms in World Finance; with Marc von der Ruhr; American Macromanagement. Edward Elgar Publishers


  • U.S. Firms in World Finance; with Marc von der Ruhr; American Macromanagement. Edward Elgar Publishers

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