Timothy Riddiough

Director of the Applied Real Estate Investment Track (AREIT). Professor - James A. Graaskamp Center for Real Estate, Real Estate & Urban Land Economics. James A. Graaskamp Chair in Real Estate at Wisconsin School of Business


  • Wisconsin School of Business



Wisconsin School of Business

Timothy (Tim) Riddiough holds the James A. Graaskamp Chair and is a professor in the Department of Real Estate and Urban Land Economics at the Wisconsin School of Business. He also serves as Academic Director of the Graaskamp Center for Real Estate and Director of the Applied Real Estate Securities Analysis Track (AREIT). He previously served as the academic director of the Graaskamp Center for Real Estate from 2004-2009.

From 1994 to 2001 Riddiough was at MIT as an assistant and associate tenured professor, and from 1991 to 1994 he was an assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati.

Riddiough was the 2012 president of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA). He has been active in AREUEA for many years, serving on the board of directors several times.

He is on the editorial board of Real Estate Economics, and he for several years served as editor of Real Estate Finance. He currently serves on the editorial boards of six other real estate-related journals.

His honors and awards include winning the best dissertation and best paper awards from AREUEA, being named a founding fellow at the Real Estate Research Institute, and a fellow at the Homer Hoyt Institute for Advanced Studies.

Riddiough is best known for his work on credit risk in mortgage lending, mortgage securitization, real options, REIT investment and corporate finance, and land use regulation.

He has published in Real Estate Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Quantitative Financial Analysis, and the Journal of Financial Intermediation. His current research interests are focused on the financial crisis of 2007-08, economic development of debt markets, and optimal contract design.

Riddoiugh is an active participant in the commercial real estate industry, speaking often on the current issues facing the real estate industry, and was recently named to NAREIT’s investment advisory council. He is also active with the Pension Real Estate Association and the Commercial Mortgage Securities Association. He advises several real estate organizations on investment and risk management issues, and has served as an expert economic consultant on numerous legal matters involving real estate finance and investment issues.

He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Selected Published Journal Articles

  • Riddiough, T. (2014). The First Foreclosure Crisis: Wisconsin Farmers, Western Railroads and Eastern Money. Wisconsin Magazine of History, 38-49.
  • Riddiough, T. (2014). A Global Tour of Commercial Property and REIT Markets. International Real Estate Review (17), 241-274.
  • Riddiough, T. (2014). Percentage Rents and Stand-Alone Property: Share Contracting as a Barrier to Entry. Journal of Real Estate Research (36), 1-39.
  • Riddiough, T. (2013). Securitization and the Supply Cycle: Evidence from the REIT Market. Journal of Portfolio Management (39), 134-143.
  • Riddiough, T. (2013). Can Securitization Work: Evidence from the U.S. REIT Market. Journal of Portfolio Management
  • Riddiough, T. & Ciochetti, B. (2006). Theory and Evidence on the Resolution of Financial Distress. Review of Financial Studies (19), 1357-1397. doi:10.1093/rfs/hhj031.

Practitioner-Oriented Publications

  • Riddiough, T. (2014). Capital Structure and Firm Performance. EPRA News, 31-34.
  • Riddiough, T. (2012). Securitization and the Commercial Property Cycle.


Fixed Income and Financial Institutions ( 2016 ) Liquidity Provision, Credit Risk and the Bond Spread

Annual Finance Conference ( 2015 ) Liquidity Provision, Credit Risk and the Bond Spread

Conference on Real Estate Finance ( 2015 ) A Theory of Subprime Lending, with Applications to the Rise and Fall of the Subprime Conduit Mortgage Market

International Real Estate Studies Annual Conference ( 2015 ) A Theory of Subprime Lending, with Applications to the Rise and Fall of the Subprime Conduit Mortgage Market

Israel Summer Real Estate Symposium ( 2014 ) Private Equity for the Common Man

AREUEA ( 2013 ) Governance and Design of Structured Securities

AREUEA ( 2013 ) Securitization and the Commercial Property Cycle

Georgia State University ( 2013 ) Collateral and the Limits of Debt Capacity

University of Southern California ( 2013 ) Collateral and the Limits of Debt Capacity

AREUEA Presidential Address ( 2013 ) 19th Century Sub-Prime Mortgage Securitization, Appraisal Error, and the First Foreclosure Crisis

City University of Hong Kong ( 2012 ) Collateral and the Limits of Debt Capacity

International AREUEA ( 2012 ) Collateral and the Limits of Debt Capacity

International AREUEA ( 2012 ) Deja vu All Over Again: Agency, Uncertainty, Leverage and the Panic of 1857

Syracuse University ( 2012 ) Collateral and the Limits of Debt Capacity

AREUEA Meetings ( 2011 ) "Collateral and Debt Capacity in the Optimal Capital Structure"

FMA Asia-Pacific Meetings ( 2011 ) "Collateral an dDebt Capacity in the Optimal Capital Structure"

National University of Singapore Conference on Real Estate ( 2011 ) "Collateral an dDebt Capacity in the Optimal Capital Structure"

UC-Irvine ( 2011 ) "Collateral an dDebt Capacity in the Optimal Capital Structure"

University of Miami ( 2011 ) "Collateral an dDebt Capacity in the Optimal Capital Structure"

Numerous ( 2010 ) Can Securitization Work?

Numerous ( 2010 ) Collateral and Debt Capacity in the Optimal Capital Structure

Undergraduate Courses

Real Estate Finance (RES 410), Spring 2002.

Real Estate Finance (RES 410), Spring 2004.

Graduate Courses

Readng&Rsch-Real Estate PhD (RES 999 Section 142), Fall 2008.

Smr-Urban Land Econ PhD (RES 978 Section 1), Fall 2008.

Sem- Urban Land Econ PhD (RES 977 Section 1), Spring 2011.

Ph.D. course in real estate finance (RES 899), Fall 2008.

Adv Real Est Finance Theory (RES 870 Section 1), Spring 2009.

Advanced Real Estate Finance Theory (RES 870 Section 1), Spring 2007.

Adv Real Est Finance Theory (RES 870 Section 1), Spring 2008.

Applied Real Estate Securities Analysis (RES 799), Fall 2014.

Applied Real Estate Securities Analysis (RES 799), Spring 2015.

Commercial Real Estate Finance (RES 770 Section 1), Fall 2010.

Commercial Real Estate Finance (RES 770 Section 1), Fall 2011.

Contemporary Topics (RES 765), Fall 2003.

Contemporary Topics (RES 765), Fall 2004.

Contemporary Topics (RES 765), Fall 2005.

Real Estate Equity Investment (RES 740 Section 1), Spring 2015.

Real Estate Equity Investment (RES 740), Spring 2002.

International Real Estate (RES/INT 730 Section 1), Fall 2008.

Real Estate Finance (RES 710), Fall 2001.

Real Estate Finance (RES 710), Fall 2003.

Real Estate Finance (RES 710), Fall 2004.

Real Estate Finance (RES 710), Fall 2006.

Real Estate Finance (RES 710 Section 1), Fall 2007.

Learning/Teaching Oriented Publications

  • Riddiough, T. (2012). The First Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis and Its Aftermath. BIS Papers: Property Markets and Financial Stability (64), 7-18.
  • Riddiough, T. (2011). " Can Securitization Work: Economic, Structural, and Policy Considerations". Journal of Portfolio Management (35), 24-38. doi: 10.3905/jpm.2011.37.5.024.

Professional Organizations

Real Estate Research Institute

Bank for International Settlements

American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association

Editorial and Reviewing Activities

Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management - Since January 2015 Editorial Board Member


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