Steven Tremain

Physician Improvement Advisor and Patient Safety Consultant at American Association for Physician Leadership


  • American Association for Physician Leadership




American Association for Physician Leadership

Steve Tremain is a physician improvement advisor with Cynosure Health. Board-certified for 35 years in family medicine and now retired from active clinical practice, Dr. Tremain works as a national and international improvement advisor and serves as the national clinical lead for the American Hospital Association/HRET HIIN efforts to reduce hospital-based harm.

In the past, Dr. Tremain worked as a hospital-based clinician and teacher and served as chief medical officer for a large integrated public system for more than 20 years. He was the executive sponsor for improvement teams that were awarded mentor status by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement in the areas of medication reconciliation, rapid response teams, and ventilator-associated pneumonia.

Now, in addition to his other roles, Tremain teaches and consults regarding the culture of safety, process reliability, leadership, and physician engagement throughout the United States and Canada. Tremain is also a certified physician executive and a fellow of the American Association for Physician Leadership. He earned his MD degree from the UCLA School of Medicine.


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