Stacie Mitchell

Life and Business Coach, Adjunct Professor


I got started in online business back in 2017 as a career coach, when Facebook ads were easy and worked like a charm (I’m not even kidding, they were so easy I ran my own easily with just a few hours of training!). I got serious about my coaching business in late 2019, and I played the game I thought I had to play: going all in on social media.

But as I got deeper into my business, I hated that my phone was always glued to my hand. I felt a knee jerk reaction to check my likes, my story views, and my DMs every 2 minutes, and to share far too much of my life in the name of marketing my business. I realized I was no longer selling my expertise; I was selling my lifestyle. And it just felt gross.🤢And while coaching 20+ coaches 1:1 on everything from their mindset, website copy, sales pages, offers, and content, I realized how many coaches feel icky about social media, and that it was time to find a new way to market without relying so heavily on social.

That’s when I dove into learning more about SEO keyword research and content strategy focused on growing our thought leadership. I began using SEO strategy in my own content while also diving deeper into why social media is just a little bit evil and how it keeps us all from doing our best work as coaches. I really wanted to move away from something that made me so distracted and anxious, that sucked away all of my energy and time, and that just didn’t feel aligned with my values of living a deeper, more present life. And did I mention the 2-3 hours a day I was spending on Instagram?!?😩

When I realized my own SEO strategy had caused my podcast downloads to increase by 58% in 5 months – with WAY less time spent on social media and FAR more peace – I knew I wanted to help other coaches make the shift.

I created my own framework for helping coaches grow their thought leadership and expertise through custom marketing plans — that divest from social media — and 1:1 coaching.

I’ve been studying online business since 2016, as well as what makes humans tick since…well, forever? I have a Bachelor’s in Psychology, a Master’s in Counseling, trained in authentic leadership coaching at Raleigh Coaching Academy, and have been a coach for 10+ years. I even coach entrepreneurs full time in my job, I love it so much!

I studied digital marketing with Julie Stoian of Funnel Gorgeous way back in 2017, and I’ve been obsessed with helping coaches and online service providers grow their businesses since 2019, while studying everything I can to grow my expertise in SEO, copywriting, and all things online business.

Since 2019, I’ve helped 20+ coaches and online business owners overcome the mindset gunk, get clearer on who the heck they’re talking to, create copy that feels as good as it reads, quit social media marketing (or at least stop feeling possessed by their phones), and sign clients without signing over their souls in their marketing.


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