Soroosh Saghiri

Senior Lecturer and Course Director at Cranfield School of Management


  • Cranfield School of Management



Cranfield School of Management

Soroosh has BSc and MSc degrees in Industrial Engineering and a PhD in Operations and Supply Chain Management from the University of East Anglia. He has published two book chapters and more than 10 articles in international academic journals and conferences, and professional magazines. 

Soroosh has been involved in teaching, research and consultancy in universities and companies in the UK and internationally for the last fourteen years. His professional activities include a wide range consultancy projects in fields of supply chain planning and management, supplier evaluation and development, production planning and control, market research, project management, quality management systems, operations strategies, and sustainability.

Current activities

  • Soroosh (Sam) is senior lecturer at the Centre for Strategic Procurement and Supply Chain Management (CSPSM). He has been involved in a number of research and consultancy projects with Strategic Procurement and Supply Forum (formerly, Executive Procurement Network), GS1, Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) and NHS. 
  • Soroosh is also director of executive MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management course, and director of Leading Procurement Strategy open programme  at Cranfield University.
  • Besides, Soroosh has been a member of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, London Region Committee, since 2007. 
  • Teaching Areas (including external/international lectures and seminars): 
  • Procurement and Supply Management
  • Supply Chain and Logistics Management
  • Operations Strategy and Management
  • Service Operations Management
  • Supply Chain Strategies
  • Food Chain Management
  • Master Data and Data Standards in the Supply Chain
  • Transport Modelling
  • Project Management
  • Quality Planning and Management
  • Decision Making Techniques and Methods
  • Business Simulation
  • Innovation and Technology Management
  • Research Methods
  • Quantitative Methods and Structural Equation Modelling
  • Time Study with MTM and MOST methods
  • Personal and Professional Development


Recent Clients: 

  • GS1 UK
  • Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS)
  • DHL
  • Project Management Institute (PMI)
  • Pearson Education
  • McGraw-Hill
  • Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu (Poland)
  • Witten/Herdecke University (Germany)
  • Meiji University (Japan)

Articles In Journals

  • [Saghiri S, Wilding R, Mena C & Bourlakis M (2017) Toward a three-dimensional framework for omni-channel, Journal of Business Research, 77 (August) 53-67.]
  • [Saghiri SS & Barnes SJ. (2016) Supplier flexibility and postponement implementation: An empirical analysis, International Journal of Production Economics, 173 170-183.]
  • [Saghiri S & Wilding R (2016) The Journey Toward Omni-Channel Retailing, Logistics and Transport Focus, 18 (12) 30-32.]
  • [Skipworth H, Godsell J, Wong CY, Saghiri S & Julien D (2015) Supply chain alignment for improved business performance: an empirical study, Supply Chain Management, 20 (5) 511-533.]
  • Saghiri S, BingKai H, Gibson R & Godsmark J (2014) Logistics Outsourcing: Changing Attitudes?, Logistics and Transport Focus, 16 (12) 44-48.
  • [Saghiri S & Hill A (2014) Supplier relationship impacts on postponement strategies, International Journal of Production Research, 52 (7) 2134-2153.]
  • Saghiri S & Wilding R (2014) Electronic Data Interchange Cost Calculator, Logistics and Transport Focus, 40 (2).
  • [Saghiri S (2011) A structural approach to assessing postponement strategies: construct development and validation, International Journal of Production Research, 49 (21) 6427-6450.]
  • [Woo HS & Saghiri S (2011) Order assignment considering buyer, third-party logistics provider, and suppliers, International Journal of Production Economics, 130 (2) 144-152.]
  • [Fazel Zarandia MH, Fazel Zarania MM & Saghiri S (2007) Five crisp and fuzzy models for supply chain of an automotive manufacturing system, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 2 (3) 178-196.]
  • Fazel Zarandi, MH, Turksen IB & Saghiri S (2002) Supply chain: crisp and fuzzy aspects, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences, 12 (3) 423-435.

Conference Papers

  • E Aktas, S Saghiri, Z Topaloglu, T van‘t Wout, A Oledinma, Z Irani, A Sharif & S Huda (2016) Incorporating Consumer Attitudes to Minimise Waste and Out-of-stock Situations in Food Retail. In: Information Research and management Science, Tennessee, 7 November 2016.
  • Mirzabeiki, Vahid, Julien, Denyse, Mena, Carlos, Saghiri, Soroosh, Bourlakis & Michael (2015) Inter-organisational Collaboration for Improving Sustainability Performance of Food Supply Chains, POMS 2015, Washington DC, US.. In: POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) 26th Annual Conference, Washington DC, 8 May 2015.
  • Mirza Beiki V, Julien D, Mena Madrazo C, Saghiri S, Bourlakis M & Mirza Beiki V (2014) Collaborative Relationships for Sustainability Performance of Food Supply Chains - a Conceptual Model. In: Logistics Research Network Conference 2014, Huddersfield, 3 September 2014.
  • Mirza Beiki V, Julien D, Mena Madrazo C, Saghiri S, Bourlakis M & Mirza Beiki V (2014) Collaboration for sustainability in food supply chains - A survey. In: POMS Conference, Atlanta, 9-12 May 2014.
  • Mirzabeiki V, Julien D, Mena C, Saghiri S & Bourlakis M (2014) The Effects of Collaborative Relationships on Sustainability Performance: A Survey of Food Supply Chains. In: Logistics Research Network Conference 2014, Huddersfield, 3 September 2014.
  • Saghiri S, Wilding R & Cousins O (2012)

Benefits of EDI: A Measurement Instrument

. In: 17th Logistics Research Network annual conference (LRN 2012), Cranfield, 5 September 2012. - Saghiri S, Zhou & L (2012) An Investigation into the Impact of Buying Firms on Suppliers’ Environmental Activities. In: 17th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, 20 February 2012. - Saghiri S, Wilding R & Cousins O (2012) Benefits of EDI: A measurement instrument. In: 17th Logistics Research Network annual conference (LRN 2012), Cranfield, 5 September 2012. - Saghiri S (2012) Green Supply Management and Supplier Development: Effects on Supplier Environmental Actions. In: 23rd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society Conference (POMS 2012), Chicago, 20 April 2012. - Saghiri S (2008) Time Postponement: Modified Models to Improve Delivery Lead TimeEditRe-order section. In: International Mass Customization Meeting 2008 (IMCM’08), Copenhagen, 19 June 2008. - Saghiri S (2007) Revisiting three mixed up concepts: Decoupling Point, Mass Customization and Postponement. In: Production and Operations Management Society Conference, Dallas, 4 May 2007. - Saghiri S (2007) How agility and postponement tackle supply chain uncertainties. In: Production and Operations Management Society Conference, Dallas, 4 May 2007. - Saghiri S (2007) An investigation on the role of customer order decoupling point analysis on mass customisation strategies. In: Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) international conference, Dallas, Texas, USA, 4 May 2007. - Saghiri S (2006) Dealing with Market Uncertainty through Leagile Supply Chain Management: A Case Study of Toy Industry. In: Production and Operations Management Society Conference, Boston, 28 April 2006. - Saghiri S (2006) How postponement support supply chain agility. In: EurOMA 2006, Glasgow, 18 June 2006. - [Fazel Zarandi MH & Saghiri S (2003) A comprehensive fuzzy multi-objective model for supplier selection process. In: The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, St Louis, MO, 25-28 May 2003.]


  • Saghiri S & Mena C (2014) The future of procurement: a wealth of opportunities. In: Leading Procurement Strategy. Mena C, van Hoek R, Christopher M (ed.), London: Kogan Page, p. 197-222.
  • Saghiri S (2007) Critical role of supply chain decoupling point in mass customization from its upstream and downstream information systems point of view. In: Mass Customization Information Systems in Business. Blecker T, Friedrich G (ed.), IGI Global, p. 185-196.

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