Robert Baldwin

Professor of Law at The London School of Economics and Political Science


  • The London School of Economics and Political Science
  • University of Cape Town




The London School of Economics and Political Science

Experience Keywords

regulatory enforcement; regulatory impact assessment processes; the better regulation movement

Research Summary

Robert Baldwin is a Professor of Law at the LSE, where he teaches Regulation and Criminal Law. He has written numerous books and learned articles on regulation, including the most widely used academic volume on regulation in the UK: ''Understanding Regulation'' (Oxford 1999 with Martin Cave). He has advised numerous corporations, international bodies, government departments and agencies on regulation and is a member of the National Audit Office''s Panel of Regulatory Experts. He led the team that wrote the Scoping Study Report for the Government''s Review of Legal Services Regulation as well as the team that wrote the Defra Review of Enforcement 2005-6.

Courses Taught

Read about executive education

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