Richard Cardozo

Professor at Carlson School of Management


  • Carlson School of Management



Carlson School of Management

Richard Cardozo


Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship


AB 1956
Psychology Carleton College

MBA 1959
Harvard Business School

PhD 1964
Business Administration Univ. of Minnesota


Market analysis and commercialization strategies for new products

Formation and growth of new business

Selected Works

"A Theory of Opportunity Identification and Development," Journal of Business Venturing, 2001."

"ProductMarket Strategies & New Business Growth," Journal of Product Innovation Management, 1993

"Identifying Key Customers for Novel Industrial Products," with D. Smith and M. Viswanathan, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 1988

"Applying Financial Portfolio Theory to Product Portfolio Decision: An Empirical Study," with D. Smith, Journal of Marketing, 1983

New Product Forecasting, with V. Mahajan and J. Wind, Lexington Books, 1983

Current Activities

Community Relationships

Board of directors, National Presto Industries

Chairman of the board, Brownstone Distributing

Current Research

Business growth

Corporate venturing

Scholarly Service

Visiting professor, Harvard Business School, 198283

Fulbright lecturer, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, 1980

Current editorial appointment:

Editorial board, Journal of Business Venturing

Editorial board, Journal of Entrepreneurship Innovation & Change

Read about executive education

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